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中国农业大学- 王贺祥 http://www.kaoboinfo.com

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中国农业大学- 王贺祥


  性别 男 

  职称 教授 

  硕/博导师 博士生导师 

  学历 博士 

  学位 哲学博士 

  相关网页链接 院系教师简介






  微生物学 药用及食用真菌 


  微生物学 药用及食用真菌 






  男, 教授,系主任。1981年毕业于北京农业大学微生物系,1996年获香港中文大学哲学博士学位1997-1998年在香港中文大学做博士后。现任中国农业大学生物学院微生物学系教授,博士生导师和系主任。研究方向为真菌生理及遗传学。研究课题涉及真菌多糖。凝集素及抗病原真菌蛋白等多种生理活性物质,近年来在国际学术杂志上发表并被SCI收录的论文有45篇。



  发表SCI/EI论文 Alveolarina novel antifungal polypeptide from the wild mushroom Polyporus alveolaris 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Isolation of a new ribonuclease from fruiting bodies of the silver plate mushroom Clitocybe maxima 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Isolation of trichoginan antifungal protein from fresh fruiting bodies of the edible mushroom Tricholoma giganteum 

  发表SCI/EI论文 A distinctive ribonuclease from fresh fruiting bodies of the medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum 

  发表SCI/EI论文 A homodimeric laccase with unique characteristics from the yellow mushroom Cantharellus cibariusi 

  发表SCI/EI论文 A new laccase from dried fruiting bodies of the monkey head mushroom Hericium erinaceum 

  发表SCI/EI论文 A new lectin with highly potent antihepatoma and antisarcoma activities from the oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus 

  发表SCI/EI论文 A new ribonuclease from the black oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus 

  发表SCI/EI论文 A novel laccase with fair thermostability from the edible wild mushroom Albatrella dispansus) 

  发表SCI/EI论文 A novel lectin from Pseudostellaria heterophylla roots with sequence simularity to Kunitz-type soybean trypsin inhibitor 

  发表SCI/EI论文 A novel lectin from the wild mushroom Polyporus adusta 

  发表SCI/EI论文 A novel ribonuclease from fruiting bodies of the common edible mushroom Pleurotus eryngii 

  发表SCI/EI论文 A novel ribonuclease from the veiled lady mushroom Dictyophora indusiata 

  发表SCI/EI论文 A ribonuclease from Chinese ginseng Panax ginsengflowers 

  发表SCI/EI论文 A ribonuclease with distinctive features from the wild green-headed mushroom Russulus virescens 

  发表SCI/EI论文 A robust cysteine-deficient chitinase-like antifungal protein from inner shoots of the edible chive Allium tuberosum 

  发表SCI/EI论文 A ubiquitin-like peptide with ribonuclease activity against various polyhomoribonucleotides from the yellow mushroom Cantharellus cibarius 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Alocasinan anti-fungal protein from rhizomes of the giant taro Alocasia macrorrhiza 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Antifungal peptidesa heat shock protein-like peptideand a serine-threonine kinase-like protein from Ceylon spinach seeds 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Antiproliferative and antimitogenic activities in a peptide from puffball mushroom Calvatia caelata 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Ascalina new anti-fungal peptide with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 reverse transcriptase-inhibiting activity from shallot bulbs 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Calcaelina new protein with translation-inhibitingantiproliferative and antimitogenic activities from the mosaic puffball mushroom Calvatia caelata 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Can edible mushrooms promote sustainability in Beijing? 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Contamination of ribosome inactivating proteins with ribonucleasesseparated by affinity chromatography on red sepharose 

  发表SCI/EI论文 anti-human immunodeficiency virus reverse transcriptase activities of 6-methoxy-2-benzoxazolinone and antibacterial activity of the pineal indole 5-methoxyindole-3-acetic acid 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Dendrocina distinctive antifungal protein from bamboo shoots 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Effect of over-expression of phasin gene from Aeromonas hydrophila on biosynthesis of copolyesters of 3-hydroxybutyrate and 3-hydroxyhexanoate 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Eryngina novel antifungal peptide from fruiting bodies of the edible mushroom Pleurotus eryngii 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Examination of lectinspolysaccharopeptidepolysaccharidealkaloidcoumarin and trypsin inhibitors for inhibitory activity against human immunodeficiency virus reverse transcriptase and glycohydrolases 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Examination of pineal indoles and 6-methoxy-2-benzoxazolinone for antioxidant and antimicrobial effects 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Flammin and velinnew ribosome inactivating polypeptides from the mushroom Flaminulina velutipes 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Isolation and characterization of a novel lectin from the wild mushroom Xerocomus spadiceus 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Isolation and characterization of velutina novel low-molecular-weight ribosome-inactivating protein from winter mushroom Flammulina velutipesfruiting bodies 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Isolation of a new heterodimeric lectin with mitogenic activity from fruiting bodies of the mushroom Agrocybe cylindracea 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Isolation of a novel deoxyribonuclease with antifungal activity from Asparagus officinalis seeds 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Isolation of a novel N-acetylglucosamine-specific lectin from fresh sclerotia of the edible mushroom Pleurotus tuber-regium 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Isolation of a ribonuclease from fruiting bodies of the wild mushroom Termitomyces globulus 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Isolation of allicepina novel antifungal peptide from onion Allium cepabulbs 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Isolation of an antifungal thaumatin-like protein from kiwi fruits 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Isolation of cicadina novel and potent antifungal peptide from dried juvenile cicadas 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Isolation of cucurmoschina novel antifungal peptide abundant in arginineglutamate and glycine residues from black pumpkin seeds 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Isolation of lilina novel arginine- and glutamate-rich protein with potent antifungal and mitogenic activities from lily bulbs 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Lagenina novel ribosome-inactivating protein with ribonucleolytic activity from bottle gourd Lagenaria sicerariaseeds 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Luffangulina novel ribosome inactivating peptide from ridge gourd Luffa acutangulaseeds 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Pharmacological activities of fusaric acid 5-butylpicolinic acid) 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Novel antifungal peptides from Ceylon spinach seeds 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Panaxagina new protein from Chinese ginseng possesses anti-fungalanti-viraltranslation-inhibiting and ribonuclease activities 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Pleureryna novel protease from fresh fruiting bodies of the edible mushroom Pleurotus eryngii 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Ribosome inactivating protein and lectin from bitter melon Momordica charantiaseedsSequence comparison with related proteins 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Purification and characterization of a ubiquitin-like peptide with macrophage stimulatingantiproliferative and ribonuclease activities from the mushroom Agrocybe cylindracea 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Purification and characterization of an antibacterial compound produced by Agrobacterium vitis strain E26 with activity against A-tumefaciens 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Purification and characterization of novel ribosome inactivating proteinsalpha- and beta-pisavinsfrom seeds of the garden pea Pisum sativum 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Purification of a novel low-molecular-mass laccase with HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitory activity from the mushroom Tricholoma giganteum 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Purification of a novel ribonuclease from dried fruiting bodies of the edible wild mushroom Thelephora ganbajun 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Purification of allivina novel antifungal protein from bulbs of the round-cloved garlic 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Purification of castamollina novel antifungal protein from Chinese chestnuts 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Purification of chrysancorina novel antifungal protein with mitogenic activity from garland chrysanthemum seeds 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Quinqueginsina novel protein with anti-human immunodeficiency virusantifungalribonuclease and cell-free translation-inhibitory activities from American ginseng roots 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Ribonucleasecell-free translation-inhibitory and superoxide radical scavenging activities of the iron-binding protein lactoferrin from bovine milk 

  发表SCI/EI论文 rification and characterization of a potent homodimeric guanine-specific ribonuclease from fresh mushroom Pleurotus tuber-regiumsclerotia 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Sativin - A novel antifungal miraculin-like protein isolated from legumes of the sugar snap Pisum sativum var. macrocarpon 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Structurally dissimilar proteins with antiviral and antifungal potency from cowpea Vigna unguiculataseeds 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Studies on the anti-mitogenicanti-phage and hypotensive effects of several ribosome inactivating proteins 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Superovulationfertilization and in vitro embryo development in mice after administration of an inhibin-neutralizing antiserum 

  发表SCI/EI论文 The antioxidant effects of aqueous and organic extracts of Panax quinquefoliumPanax notoginsengCodonopsis pilosulaPseudostellaria heterophylla and Glehnia littoralis 

  发表SCI/EI论文 First report of an arabinose-specific fungal lectin 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Isarfelina peptide with antifungal and insecticidal activities from Isaria felina 

  发表SCI/EI论文 An antifungal peptide from the coconut 

  发表SCI/EI论文 An antifungal protein from ginger rhizomes 

  发表SCI/EI论文 A novel homodimeric lactose-binding lectin from the edible split gill medicinal mushroom Schizophyllum commune 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Hypoglycemic activity of the fungi Cordyceps militarisCordyceps sinensisTricholoma mongolicumand Omphalia lapidescens in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats 

  发表SCI/EI论文 A ribonuclease from the wild mushroom Boletus griseus 

  发表SCI/EI论文 A mitogenic defensin from white cloud beans Phaseolus vulgaris) 

  发表SCI/EI论文 A laccase from the medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum 

  发表SCI/EI论文 A lectin with some unique characteristics from the samta tomato 

  发表SCI/EI论文 An antifungal protein from the pea Pisum sativum var. arvense Poir 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Genetic polymorphism of ferula mushroom growing on Ferula sinkiangensis 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Isolation and characterization of a novel lectin from the mushroom Armillaria luteo-virens 

  发表SCI/EI论文 A novel ribonuclease from fresh fruiting bodies of the portabella mushroom Agaricus bisporus 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Isolation of a ribonuclease from sanchi ginseng Panax pseudoginsengflowers distinct from other ginseng ribonucleases 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Concurrent isolation of a Kunitz-type trypsin inhibitor with antifungal activity and a novel lectin from Pseudostellaria heterophylla roots 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Purification of a laccase from fruiting bodies of the mushroom Pleurotus eryngii 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Ganoderminan antifungal protein from fruiting bodies of the medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Pharmacological actions of Cordycepsa prized folk medicine 

  发表SCI/EI论文 First report of a xylose-specific lectin with potent hemagglutinatingantiproliferative and anti-mitogenic activities from a wild ascomycete mushroom 

  发表SCI/EI论文 An antifungal peptide from red lentil seeds 

  发表SCI/EI论文 A peptide with HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitory activity from the medicinal mushroom Russula paludosa 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Isolation and characterization of an antifungal peptide with antiproliferative activity from seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris cv. 'Spotted Bean' 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Strain-typing of Lentinula edodes in China with inter simple sequence repeat markers 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Glaciecola psychrophila sp nov.a novel psychrophilic bacterium isolated from the Arctic 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Flavobacterium glaciei sp. nov.a novel psychrophilic bacterium isolated from the China No.1 glacier 

  发表SCI/EI论文 A novel ribonuclease with antiproliferative activity from fresh fruiting bodies of the edible mushroom Hypsizigus marmoreus 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Isolation of DNA topoisomerase II gene from Pleurotus ostreatus and its application in phylogenetic analysis 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Cryobacterium psychrotolerans sp. nov.a novel psychrotolerant bacterium isolated from the China No. 1 glacier 

  发表SCI/EI论文 An alkaline protease from fresh fruiting bodies of the edible mushroom Pleurotus citrinopileatus 



  发表SCI/EI论文 Isolation and characterization of a novel trypsin inhibitor from fresh lily bulbs 

  发表SCI/EI论文 A lectin with mitogenic activity from the edible wild mushroom Boletus edulis 

  发表SCI/EI论文 A novel lectin with potent antitumormitogenic and HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitory activities from the edible mushroom Pleurotus citrinopileatus 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Antimicrobial studies with the Pseudomonas aeruginosa two-allele library require caution 

  发表SCI/EI论文 PomegraninAn Antifungal Peptide from Pomegranate Peels 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Purification and characterization of a novel lectin from the toxic wild mushroom Inocybe umbrinella 

  发表SCI/EI论文 A haemagglutinin from the medicinal fungus Cordyceps militaris 

  发表SCI/EI论文 A novel lectin with antiproliferative activity from the medicinal mushroom Pholiota adiposa 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Lectins but not antifungal proteins exhibit anti-nematode activity 

  发表SCI/EI论文 Random amplified polymorphic DNA RAPDanalysis and the nucleosides assessment of fungal strains isolated from natural Cordyceps sinensis 

  发表SCI/EI论文 A peptide with potent antifungal and antiproliferative activities from Nepalese large red beans 

  培养研究生 郑素月 

  学位论文 我国栽培平菇近缘种的菌株鉴定及遗传多样性研究 

  培养研究生 高继全 

  学位论文 糙皮侧耳凝集素的纯化、生化性质及抗肿瘤活性 

  培养研究生 张国栋 

  学位论文 冠菌素的发酵研究 

  培养研究生 罗倩怡 

  学位论文 食用菌中HIV-1反转录酶和蛋白酶抑制剂的分离与纯化 

  培养研究生 刘庆洪 

  学位论文 茶树菇、鹿角炭角菌和砖红绒盖牛肝菌凝集素纯化及其免疫调节活性的研究 

  培养研究生 肖磊 

  学位论文 蛹虫草凝集素的纯化,生化性质测定及其抗肿瘤、抗植物病原真菌的研究 

  培养研究生 张瑞颖 

  学位论文 香菇菌株多相鉴定鉴别技术研究 

  培养研究生 田树君 

  学位论文 嗜水气单胞菌中聚羟基脂肪酸酯 

  培养研究生 郭永霞 

  学位论文 猫棒束孢菌抗真菌多肽和巨大口蘑抗真菌蛋白的分离纯化及特性的研究 

  培养研究生 张金霞 

  学位论文 中国栽培刺芹侧耳种族群(Pleurotus eryngii species-complex)遗传多样性及鉴定技术研究 

  培养研究生 韩春华 

  学位论文 裂褶菌凝集素、酸性磷酸酶、溶血素的纯化及其生化特性的研究 

  培养研究生 冯昆 

  学位论文 黄绿蜜环菌凝集素的分离纯化、理化性质及其抗肿瘤活性的研究 

  培养研究生 李翠新 

  学位论文 基于DNA拓扑异构酶Ⅱ基因对侧耳属(Pleurotus)系统发育关系的研究 

  培养研究生 张德超 

  学位论文 我国新疆一号冰川地区和北极地区低温菌的鉴定及多相分类学研究 

  培养研究生 李艳蕊 

  学位论文 金顶侧耳凝集素与猴头菌凝集素、酸性磷酸酶的分离纯化及其生化特性的研究 

  培养研究生 管桂萍 

  学位论文 滑菇、白灵侧耳蛋白酶与真姬菇核糖核酸酶的纯化及其生化特性研究 

  培养研究生 郑素月 

  学位论文 赭杯伞抗菌蛋白和美味牛肝菌凝集素的分离纯化及生化特性的研究 

  培养研究生 张国庆 

  学位论文 蛹虫草多糖降血糖以及美丽红菇、黄伞凝集素分离纯化及生化性质的研究 

  培养研究生 章晓庆 

  学位论文 真姬菇丝氨酸蛋白酶的纯化及其基因克隆和百合胰蛋白酶抑制剂的研究 

  培养研究生 孙亚红 

  学位论文 内蒙古根河市野生大型经济真菌资源调查及部分生物活性测定 

  培养研究生 崔黎 

  学位论文 金顶侧耳蛋白酶、核糖核酸酶与桃红侧耳核糖核酸酶的纯化及生化特性研究 

  培养研究生 邹亚杰 

  学位论文 艾丁喜盐芽孢杆菌AD-6T的钠氢逆向转运蛋白及初级钠泵基因的克隆和功能分析 

  培养研究生 赵靖坤 

  学位论文 茶褐丝盖伞、野蘑菇和白杵蘑菇凝集素的分离纯化及其生化特性的研究 

  培养研究生 王超 

  学位论文 刺糖多孢菌遗传改造的初步研究及多杀菌素高产菌株的选育 

  培养研究生 赵爽 

  学位论文 食用菌中药用蛋白的分离纯化蛋白质药物传输系统以及抗线虫活性检测的研究 

  培养研究生 王世伟 

  学位论文 两株阿维链霉菌噬菌体的生物学特性及全基因组分析 

  培养研究生 马端征 

  学位论文 短柄黏盖牛肝菌、大丽轮枝孢菌的核糖核酸酶和红豆抗真菌肽的纯化与理化性质研究 

  培养研究生 邬向丽 

  学位论文 大型真菌RNase和漆酶的纯化及枯草芽孢杆菌毒素基因ydcE的研究 

  培养研究生 张瑞颖 

  学位论文 金针菇和黑木耳SSR分子标记的开发和特性研究 

  培养研究生 李碧婵 

  学位论文 红菇子实体多糖的提取、纯化及其抗氧化活性研究 

  培养研究生 黄晨阳 

  学位论文 ITSCOI在侧耳属物种鉴定中应用 

  培养研究生 胡丹丹 

  学位论文 柱状田头菇漆酶、蛹虫草α-半乳糖苷酶的分离纯化及生物学活性研究 

  培养研究生 李淼 

  学位论文 蒙古口蘑、紫带栓菌漆酶和杏鲍菇植酸酶的分离纯化与生化性质研究 

  出版著作 农业微生物学 

  发表中文论文 离子交换层析法提取黏杆菌素的研究 

  发表中文论文 多粘菌素E高产菌株的选育 

  发表中文论文 白口蘑免疫调节蛋白及多糖的研究 

  发表中文论文 凝固型金针菇酸奶的研制 

  发表中文论文 我国栽培平菇近缘种的多相分类 

  发表中文论文 凝固型金针菇酸奶的研制 

  发表中文论文 发展食用菌生产打造新型节水产业 

  发表中文论文 秸秆种食菌 一箭射三雕——食用菌与环境保护及有机农业的关系 

  发表中文论文 金针菇保健酸奶的研制 

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