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  为适应现代高等教育的根本性变革,本着优化学科院系布局、发挥优势、突出特色的原则,中国农业大学整合工学门类部分骨干学科专业群,于 2002 年 7 月由原机械工程学院、车辆与交通工程学院和农业工程研究院三个单位组建成立了工学院。工学院以发展中国农业大学的工程学科、培养高素质的工程技术人才为任务,坚持教学和科研两个中心,将率先向研究型学院转变。
  学院下设农业工程系、车辆与交通工程系、机械设计与制造系、机电工程系、农业工程研究院、中日农机维修培训中心、机械工程训练中心、农业部农业机械化发展研究中心、农业部保护性耕作技术研究中心、教育部现代农业装备与设施工程研究中心等多个教学、科研机构。工学院师资力量雄厚,现有教工约 160 人,其中中国工程院院士 1 人,教授 30 人,副教授 48 人,国家级和部级有突出贡献专家 6 人。在校学生 2300 余人,其中博士、硕士研究生 400 余人。
  工学院拥有农业工程和机械工程 2 个博士学位授权一级学科点 和 博士后流动站;农业机械化工程、农业装备工程、车辆工程、机械设计及理论和农产品加工及贮藏工程 5 个博士点,以及机械电子工程、机械制造及其自动化和载运工具运用工程等 8 个硕士点。其中农业机械化工程和农产品加工及贮藏工程为国家级重点学科,车辆工程为部级重点学科。在三年一度的“国家一级学科整体水平评估”中,农业工程学科 2003 、 2006 年均排名第一。设有农业工程、机械工程两个本科生大类,共有 8 个专业 12 个专业方向。
  “现化农业工程装备技术”是“ 211 ”工程二期重点建设项目,“现代农业工程与信息化”是“ 985 ”工程二期建设的学校八大科技创新平台之一。
  学院有优良的科研传统和雄厚的科研实力,始终坚持教学科研两个中心一起抓,面向经济建设主战场,承担科研和工程项目,取得了丰硕的成果。国家第 1 号发明专利就诞生在这里;近年来,获得过三项国家科技进步奖和许多省部级科技进步奖、丰收计划奖和专项奖励等。学院在农业工程领域保持着国内领先的学术地位,在机械工程、车辆工程等领域也有所建树。目前,学院科研的主要方向有农业机械化与自动化、农业工程装备、畜牧与饲料饲草工程、生物质资源转化加工与利用、机电一体化、车辆人机工程、检测与控制技术等,承担着国家 “ 十一五 ” 科技攻关计划、国家自然科学基金、国家 “863” 计划、国际合作项目、科技成果转化基金、农业科技跨越计划等数十项重大科研项目,许多部门、地方或企业的委托研究项目,以及大量的研制开发和工程设计规划建设项目等,年度研究开发经费保持在千万元左右。
  College of Engineering , CAU
  The College of Engineering of CAU was emerged in July, 2002, from the former Colleges of Mechanical Engineering and Vehicles and Transportation Engineering and the former Institution of Agricultural Engineering, which was oriented its guideline to the needs of better structures of colleges in the University and departments in the new College, of highlighting the College's features, and of a closer accommodation to the reformation of the contemporary higher education. The College is committed to developing the disciplines of engineering and cultivating highly qualified engineers, and takes teaching and researching as a core to complete the transformation of a research-oriented college.
  The staff of the college amounts to over 200 and there are one academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 24 Professors and 50 Associate Professors among them. Most of academic staff holds master or doctoral degrees.
  The College comprises 4 departments (the departments of Agricultural Engineering, Vehicles and Transportation Engineering, Mechanical Design and Manufacturing, and Mechanical and Electric Engineering) and one institution of Agricultural Engineering, as well as a Sino-Japanese Training Center for Agricultural Machines Maintenance and a Mechanical Engineering Training Center.
  It comprises also 9 disciplines with 17 directions under 5 categories of Mechanical Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Mechanical and Electric Engineering and Manufacturing. Each discipline has its own special features and a solid educational basis. The employment rates of the graduates in past years were higher than those of the average level of Beijing Higher education institutions. The College has been making great efforts to improve teaching materials and methodology and laboratory conditions in recent years. As a result, three laboratories passed the Qualification Evaluation ofBasic-technology Laboratories of Beijing , and many teaching achievements were awarded the First and Second Prizes of Beijing Teaching Excellence Awards, and some self-edited textbooks were listed in the Program of Constructing Outstanding Teaching Textbooks. The new building for the College of Engineering is going to be built in the near future, which will equip the studies and practice with excellent conditions.
  The College has authorized to confer doctor's degrees in Agricultural Mechanization Engineering, Vehicles Engineering, Mechanic Design and Theories and Agricultural Equipment Engineering, to confer master's degrees in Shipping and Transportation Engineering, Mechanic and Electric Engineering, and etc, among which Agricultural Mechanization Engineering is a national key discipline, and Vehicles Engineering is a Ministry-level key discipline. The College also has a first-level discipline station and a postdoctoral research station of Agricultural Engineering. Eighteen doctoral menders and more than 50 master's menders supervise 400 master and doctoral students at present in the College.
  The College of Engineering boasts of its first authorized invention patent that was also the first in New China since 1949 as well as 3 awards of the National Awards in Advancement of Science and Technology and many provincialministerial level awards in recent years. The college keeps its leading academic role in the field of agricultural engineering at home and outstanding positions in the fields of mechanic engineering and vehicles engineering. The researches in the college are implemented mainly in the fields of agricultural mechanization and automation, agricultural engineering equipment, livestock and forage engineering, biological resources process and utility, unification of machines and electricity, vehicles, man and machines engineering and monitoring and control technology. The College undertakes the projects from various sources, such as the Tenth Five-year National Program of Science and Technology, the National Natural Science Foundation, the 863 National Program, the Programs of International Cooperation, the Foundation of Transformations from the Achievements of Science and technology to Applications, the Agricultural Advancement Program of Science and Technology, as well as many other research programs sponsored by various enterprises and local governments. The college gets grants of values of more than ten millions Chinese Yuan annually.
  As a new merged college, the College will continue the tradition of the University to make a greater progress.









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