
 您现在的位置: 考博信息网 >> 文章中心 >> 考研复习 >> 考研英语 >> 正文 2010年考研英语一真题小作文范文(跨考)



  We are currently recruiting volunteers for an international conference concerning globalization, which is to take place on March 12, 2010.  The volunteers to be recruited will take the responsibility of international coordinators to facilitate the communication between the foreign experts and local representatives. Application is welcome from those who are not older than 30 and proficient in spoken English regardless of the major and sex. Those who have previously participated in the organization of international conferences will be preferred. Please send your applications to the postgraduate association office no later than January 12. We will contact the qualified applicants for an interview by telephone before the end of January。

                                                Postgraduate Association

                                                      January 8


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