(1)①Of all the changes that have taken place in English-language newspapers during the past quarter-century, perhaps the most far-reaching has been the inexorable decline in the scope and seriousness of their arts coverage. ②Not only have many newspapers done away with their book-review sections, but several major papers, including the Chicago Sun-Times and the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, no longer employ full-time classical-music critics. ③Even those papers that continue to review fine-arts events are devoting less space to them, while the “think pieces” on cultural subjects that once graced the pages of big-city Sunday papers are becoming a thing of the past。
①②③为同一意群,讲述了这样一个事实,在过去25年间英文报纸所有变化中,或许意义最为深远的变化就是报纸的文艺报道方面范围缩小、严肃性减弱。①句考生需要重点关注的信息就是perhaps the most far-reaching,most最高级表示强调,而far-reaching也是从程度上对changes表示强调,所以我们可以知道,最重要的变化就是the inexorable decline in the scope and seriousness of their arts coverage.,命题人肯定会围绕这种重大的变化进行命题,这就是作者强调的重点信息,强调就是考点,希望考生仔细体会!另外,their指代English-language newspapers’。②运用not only…,but…这一句型对①进行举例,来具体说明①。③用even开头,承接上一句,进一步举例说明这种变化;需要注意的是,连接词while也是考生关注的重点,该词的前后往往也会涉及到重点信息,我们来看while引导的句子,once表明过去、曾经是怎么样的,而are becoming则表示现在又是一种什么样的状况,这里存在着时间上的对比,也是考点,即曾经使大城市星期日报纸增色的关于文化主题的文章版面(现在)也已经是明日黄花了。
far-reachingadj. having a great influence or effect 具有深远影响的
inexorable /ɪnˈeksərəbəl/ adj .an inexorable process cannot be stopped 不可阻挡的
coverage /ˈkʌvərɪdʒ/ n. when a subject or event is reported on television or radio, or in newspapers 新闻报道
think piecen. A think piece is an article in a newspaper or magazine that discusses a particular subject in a serious and thoughtful way. 内幕新闻、(内容)严肃且(思想)深邃的文章
inexorable decline势不可挡的衰退;arts coverage文艺报道;book-review section书评版;major papers主流报纸、主要报纸;classical-music critics古典音乐评论家;employ full-time critics雇佣全职评论家;review the event评论这一事件;cultural subject文化主题
(2)①It is, I suspect, difficult to the point of impossibility for the average reader under the age of forty to imagine a time when high-quality arts criticism could be found in most big-city newspapers. ②Yet a considerable number of the most significant collections of criticism published in the 20th century, including Virgil Thomson’s The Musical Scene (1945), Edwin Denby’s Looking at the Dance (1949), Kenneth Tynan’s Curtains (1961), and Hilton Kramer’s The Age of the Avant-Garde (1973) consisted in large part of newspaper reviews. ③To read such books today is to marvel at the fact that their erudite contents were once deemed suitable for publication in general-circulation dailies。
① 用I suspect开头,表达了作者的观点。注意suspect表示“确定的怀疑”,而doubt则表示“不确定的怀疑”,请看柯林斯字典对这两个词的区分:suspect You use suspect when you are stating something that you believe is probably true, in order to make it sound less strong or direct.;doubt If you have doubt or doubts about something, you feel uncertain about it and do not know whether it is true or possible. If you say you have no doubt about it, you mean that you are certain it is true。对这两个词的区分,我们往往能判断出作者的态度是对某事物支持还是反对,有助于我们解题!②Yet表示转折,①说现在很难找到高质量的文艺评论,而②则以过去为例,说明了过去是一个怎样的情况,讲述了有大量在20世纪出版的具有最重要意义的评论作品占据了报纸评论的大部分,并举出四种评论作品。③又回到如今(today),说去读这种书籍会使人感到大为惊讶,而在原来(were once)则被认为是一种正常的事情,这也说明了报纸的文艺报道在范围上倒退,证明文章主题(第一段①的后半句)。②③两句存在时间上的对比,而③句句内也存在这种时间对比。
collection/kəˈlekʃən/ n. A collection of things is a group of similar things that you have deliberately acquired, usually over a period of time. 作品、收藏品
criticism /ˈkrɪtɪsɪzəm/ n. Criticism is a serious examination and judgment of something such as a book or play. 评论
erudite /ˈerʊdaɪt/ adj. If you describe someone as erudite, you mean that they have or show great academic knowledge. You can also use erudite to describe something such as a book or a style of writing. (FORMAL) 广博的、博学多识的
to the point of 到…的程度= to the degree of = to the extent of;average reader普通读者;imagine a time想象一个时代;high-quality criticism高质量的评论;a considerable number of很大数量的…;newspaper reviews报纸评论;marvel at对…感到惊讶;erudite contents广博的内容;general-circulation面对大众发行
(3)①We are even farther removed from the discursive newspaper reviews published in England between the turn of the 20th century and the eve of World War II, at a time when newsprint was dirt-cheap and stylish arts criticism was considered an ornament to the publications in which it appeared. ②In those far-off days, it was taken for granted that the critics of major papers would write in detail and at length about the events they covered. ③Theirs was a serious business, and even those reviewers who wore their learning lightly, like George Bernard Shaw and Ernest Newman, could be trusted to know what they were about. ④These men (for they were all men) believed in journalism as a calling, and were proud to be published in the daily press. ⑤“So few authors have brains enough or literary gift enough to keep their own end up in journalism,” Newman wrote, “that I am tempted to define ‘journalism’ as ‘a term of contempt applied by writers who are not read to writers who are.’”
我们离20世纪初期和二战前夕期间在英国发表的东拉西扯的报纸评论甚至更远,当时,新闻用纸非常便宜,而且时髦的文艺评论被认为是一种对刊登这种内容的出版物的装饰。在那些遥远的年代,主流报纸的评论家们会把报道的事件详细充分地记录下来,这被视为理所当然。这些评论家们所从事的是严肃的事业。甚至是那些喜欢卖弄学问的评论家们(像萧伯纳和欧内斯特·纽曼)也知道自己在做什么,这一点足以让人信任。这些男人(因为他们都是男人)把新闻业认为是一个职业,并且对于他们的文章能够在报纸上刊登出来感到很自豪。“能拥有足够的思想或足够的文学天赋可以使他们在新闻业上成就自己的事业的作者是如此之少”, 纽曼写道,“以致于我禁不住把‘新闻业’定义成被某些作家所使用的一个耻辱的术语。对真正的作家而言,他们根本就没有学问”。
①用even farther承接上一段,继续说明当代人远离报纸评论,并以20世纪初期和二战前夕期间英国发表的评论为例。even farther“甚至更加(远离)”,我们反推上一段也是在说我们“远离”报纸上的文艺评论,只不过这一段举了一个“更加远离”的例子继续证明文章主题(第一段①的后半句)。②In those far-off days指的是between the turn of the 20th century and the eve of World War II这段时间,承接第①句。③句的Theirs与business相对应,译成“这些评论家们所从事的事业”, reviewers替换critics,都表示“评论家”。④中的These men指代②③句中的那些评论家们,为同一意群。⑤句中包含一个so… that句型,表示“如此…以致于”,在句子中离得比较远,在翻译的时候我们把“如此之少”放在后面,这样能更好的衔接下面的“以致于”。大家注意:…applied by writers who are not read to writers who are。其中who are not read为定语从句,修饰writers,这里的read为adj. 请看韦氏词典的解释:read adj. instructed by or informed through reading. 有学问的,也就是说这些writers根本没有学问,那么是对于谁来说没有学问呢?to writers who are。此处who are的后面省略了read,就是说,对于有学问的作家来说(即真正的作家来说),那些writers是根本没有学问的。请各位考生仔细体会!
discursive /dɪˈskəːsɪv/ adj. discussing many different ideas, facts etc, without always having a clear purpose 东拉西扯的、不着边际的
dirt-cheap adj. If you say that something is dirt-cheap, you are emphasizing that it is very cheap indeed. (INFORMAL) 极其便宜
stylish /ˈstaɪlɪʃ/ adj. attractive in a fashionable way 时髦的、流行的、吸引人的
far-off adj. If you describe a moment in time as far off, you mean that it is a long time from the present, either in the past or the future. 遥远的
wear one’s learning lightly 卖弄某人的学问
calling /ˈkɔːlɪŋ/ n. A calling is a profession or career which someone is strongly attracted to, especially one which involves helping other people. 职业= vocation
brain/breɪn/ n. Your brain is your mind and the way that you think. 思想= mind
gift /gɪft/ n. a natural ability 天赋
contempt /kənˈtempt/ n. a feeling that someone or something is not important and deserves no respect 耻辱、侮辱
discursive reviews东拉西扯的评论;arts criticism文艺评论;take for granted认为理所当然;at length详细地;serious business严肃的事业;literary gift文学天赋;keep one’s end up in在…成就事业;be tempted to do 禁不住做…
(4)①Why, then, are virtually all of these critics forgotten? ②Neville Cardus, who wrote for the Manchester Guardian from 1917 until shortly before his death in 1975, is now known solely as a writer of essays on the game of cricket. ③During his lifetime, though, he was also one of England’s foremost classical-music critics, a stylist so widely admired that his Autobiography (1947) became a best-seller. ④He was knighted in 1967, the first music critic to be so honored. ⑤Yet only one of his books is now in print, and his vast body of writings on music is unknown save to specialists。
①句的then承接上一段,作者提出一个问题,即为什么几乎所有的这些评论家们被人们忘却了呢? ②③④⑤为同一意群,以内维尔·卡达斯为例,讲述了评论家们被人们忘却的现象。②句主干是:Neville Cardus is now known solely as a writer of essays on the game of cricket。注意,solely表示仅仅,说明如今内维尔·卡达斯仅仅作为一个撰写关于板球比赛文章的作家被人们所知,我们据此推测,他肯定还有其他方面不为人知,而他其他方面的不为人知恰恰是因为文艺评论的衰退!who wrote for… his death in 1975为非限制性定语从句,修饰Neville Cardus.③④两句介绍了他其他的优秀方面。⑤介绍了他在音乐方面除了专业人士外,还有大量的作品不为人知。注意这里的save用法很特殊,表示“除… 之外”。
virtually /ˈvəːtʃuəli / adv. You can use virtually to indicate that something is so nearly true that for most purposes it can be regarded as true. 几乎
solely /ˈsəul-li / adv. not involving anything or anyone else 仅仅、只有
foremost /ˈfɔːməust / adj. the best or most important 最重要的、最好的
knight/naɪt/ v. to give someone the rank of knight 授予爵士称号
specialist/ˈspeʃəlɪst/ n. someone who knows a lot about a particular subject, or is very skilled at it 专业人士
solely as仅仅作为;classical-music critics古典音乐评论家;foremost critics重要的评论家;best-selling book畅销书
(5)①Is there any chance that Cardus’s criticism will enjoy a posthumous revival? ②The prospect seems remote. ③Journalistic tastes had changed long before his death, and postmodern readers have little use for the richly upholstered Vicwardian prose in which he specialized.④ Moreover, the amateur tradition in music criticism has been in headlong retreat ever since Virgil Thomson first showed the readers of the New York Herald Tribune that a trained musician could write about music every bit as stylishly as a professional journalist. ⑤As a result, today’s classical-music critics are expected to have precisely the kind of technical training that Cardus’s generation disdained。
卡达斯的评论还有可能享有在他死后重新流行吗?前景似乎渺茫。 在他去世以前很久,新闻业的品味就已经改变了。并且后现代的读者们很少阅读他所擅长的经过华丽修饰的文章。而且,自从维吉尔·汤姆森首次在《纽约先驱论坛报》显示了一位受过训练的音乐家完全能够和职业的新闻从业者一样写出漂亮的关于音乐的文章,音乐评论中的业余传统就一直在迅猛地衰退。所导致的结果是,当今的古典音乐评论家们必须正好接受过这种技能训练,这是卡达斯那一代人所不屑的。
①句承接上一段,继续探讨卡达斯的评论作品。作者提出问题,卡达斯的评论还有可能享有在他死后重新流行吗?②作者给出了回答——前景似乎渺茫,seem表示一种不确定的语气。①②为同一意群,③④⑤为一个意群,③④两句道出了前景似乎渺茫的原因。③句说如今新闻业的品味已经改变了,而且后现代的读者们也很少去读这类文章;④句说例举维吉尔·汤姆森在《纽约先驱论坛报》的一篇文章显示了一位受过训练的音乐家完全能够和职业的新闻从业者一样写出漂亮的关于音乐的文章;正因为这样的原因,才使得音乐评论中的业余传统就一直在迅猛地衰退。其句子主干是:the amateur tradition in music criticism has been in headlong retreat.;后边是ever since引导的时间状语从句,表示“自从…”,在这个时间状语从句中,主干是:Virgil Thomson first showed sb that…,而that后面又引导一个宾语从句,主干是:a trained musician could write about music every bit as…as…,every bit as 是“和… 完全一样”。 ⑤As a result是表示结果的标志词,在阅读中我们也要注意,往往引出重要的结论。句子主干是:today’s classical-music critics are expected to have precisely the kind of technical training。后面是that引导的定语从句(that Cardus’s generation disdained),修饰technical training。
posthumous /ˈpɔstjʊməs / adj. Posthumous is used to describe something that happens after a person's death but relates to something they did before they died. 死后发生的
taste/teɪst/ n。品味
postmodern /ˌpəustˈmɔdn / adj. relating to or influenced by postmodernism 后现代的
richly /ˈrɪtʃli/ adv。完全地、丰富地、富足地
upholster/ʌpˈhəulstə / vt。修饰、装饰
retreat /rɪˈtriːt/ n. a movement away from someone or something 衰退、倒退
disdain /dɪsˈdeɪn/ vt. to have no respect for someone or something, because you think they are not important or good enough 蔑视、鄙视
posthumous revival重新流行;remote prospect渺茫的前景;change the tastes改变品味;amateur tradition业余传统;music criticism音乐评论;headlong retreat迅猛衰退;a trained musician一位受训练的音乐家;professional journalist职业新闻从业者;technical training技能训练