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Section Three:2017年英语语言文学专业英美文学方向部分 (70 points)

1. Brief Answer questions (40 points)
 Directions: Answer five of the following questions, each in around 100 words.
 1) What do you think is the appeal of Robinson Crusoe?
 2) What are the basic Puritan beliefs?
 3) What is your favorite English Romantic poem, and why do you like it?
 4) What is dramatic monologue? Illustrate with an example.
 5) Illustrate the theme of illusion in one of Tennessee Williams’ plays.
 6) Show the features of modernism in one particular English or American novel.

2. Essay Questions (30 points)
Directions: Answer two of the following questions. Your answer is expected to have a clearly stated and well focused central argument that is well supported with explanation, examples, and other evidence rather than a plot summary.

1)  In the poem “Parting at Morning” by Robert Browning,
              Round the cape of a sudden came the sea,
              And the sun looked over the mountain’s rim:
              And straight was a path of gold for him,
              And the need of a world of men for me.
How can the sea suddenly in the first two lines come round the cape? Literally? If not literally, how does the observer get that impression? What position of the observer might make such an impression possible? If the image is, at first glance, puzzling, why would the poet use it at all? And why would he start the poem with it?
2) A distinguished professor of phonetics and a devoted intellectual in improving the human race, Henry Higgins, the protagonist of Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion, is a man of many contradictions. Elaborate the paradoxes in Henry Higgins.
3) In J. D. Salinger’s novel, The Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield suffers from the conflict “between his desire to retain the relative security of childhood and the thrust toward the self-expression of adulthood.” Give your comments on how Salinger reveals the conflict through Holden’s experiences.


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