全国硕士研究生入学统一考试 英语教学论考试大纲 目录 I 考查目标........................................................................................ 2 II 考试形式和试卷结构 ..................................................................2 III 考查内容..................................................................................... 2 IV. 题型示例及参考答案.................................................................2 2 I 考查目标 全国硕士研究生入学统一考试自命题科目《英语教学论》考试是为我校招收教育专业硕 士学科教学(英语)方向研究生而设置的具有选拔性质的考试科目。其目的是科学、公平、 有效地测试考生是否具备攻读该专业方向所必须的基本素质、一般能力和培养潜能,以利用 选拔具有发展潜力的优秀人才入学,为国家的经济建设培养具有良好职业道德、法制观念和 国际视野、具有较强分析与解决实际问题能力的高层次、应用型、复合型的外语教育人才。 考试测试考生外语教育教学的基本概念、基本原理的扎实程度,考察考生运用这些概念及原 理指导外语教学实践的能力。 具体要求考生: 应该理解并掌握语言的基本属性、语言学习和外语学习的基本属性及规律,了解当前主 流外语教学方法及流派,熟知我国目前实施的中小学英语课程标准,熟悉外语课堂的基本管 理模式,了解各种外语技能的教学模式、基本掌握外语知识和技能的测试原理以及科学评估 包括教材在内的外语教学资源,并能合理整合,已达到外语教学目标。 II 考试形式和试卷结构 一、试卷满分及考试时间 试卷满分为 150 分,考试时间 180 分钟。 二、答题方式 闭卷、笔试,用英文解答各类试题,不容许使用各类词典。 三、试卷内容与题型结构 正误判断(10 个 ,每题 2 分,共 20 分) 选择题(10 个,每题 2 分,共 20 分) 名词解释(4 小题,每题 5 分,共 20 分) 简答题(4 小题,每题 10 分, 共 40 分) 论述题 (1 题,20 分) 设计题 (2 题,每题 15 分,共 30 分) 假如每题分数有变化,变化范围亦不大。 III 考查内容 1. 当前主流的语言观、语言学习观、外语学习观。 2. 当前主流外语教学法流派。 3. 我国当前正在实施的国家英语课程标准。 4. 语言知识、技能教学技巧,如语法教学、词汇教学、语音教学、听、说、读、写教学。 5. 外语课堂管理。 6. 中小学教案编写。 7. 外语测试基本原理及试卷编制。 8. 教材及补充学习资源的评估与改编。 9. 外语学习者的个体差异及学习风格和外语学习策略。 3 IV. 题型示例及参考答案 I. Tell the following statements True (T) or False (F) (20’). ( ) 1. The major feature of the natural method is to teach the target language in the target language. ( ) 2. Task-based teaching method is conducted under the guide of task-based syllabus. ( ) 3. Formal schemata refer to the related background knowledge. ( ) 4. Discourse markers are used to signal the relationship between sentences and paragraphs as well as the direction where the passage is likely to go. ( ) 5. Authentic activities are activities in which there exists information gap. ( ) 6. Reading in English is not only an objective of learning it but also a way of learning it. ( ) 7. In reading comprehension, interpretive comprehension means making inferences. ( ) 8. Bottom-up model refers to reading or listening from the whole to parts. ( ) 9. When the speaker doesn’t remember certain word or structure, he or she may use his or her mother tongue directly, this strategy is called approximation strategy. ( ) 10. Before reading, some related background knowledge is introduced to activate readers’ schemata, which can help reading comprehension. II. Choose the appropriate answer from the given ones (20’) ( ) 1. Mike (M) is playing shooting at something in the water on the bank of a river when a foreigner (F) asks him: F:------ What are you doing ? M:----- I’m playing . F:----- Oh, you are shooting . What communicative strategy did Mike use ? A. approximation strategy B. circumlocution strategy C. mime strategy D. language switch strategy E. appeal for assistance strategy ( ) 2. Look at the following dialogue: ---- Can I open the window? ----Yes, of course. ---- Can I close the door? ---- No, you can’t. ---- Can I do the exercise after class? ---- Yes, you can. This activity is designed to practice . A. vocabulary B. grammar C. pronunciation D. communicative function. ( ) 3. The following is one part of a certain type of syllabus. 4 1). This, that , is This is John and that is Mary. 2). My, your This is my/your … 3). His , her This is his/her … 4). ’s This is Mary’s … What type of syllabus does such arrangement suggest? A. situational syllabus B. formal syllabus C. notional-functional syllabus D. lexical syllabus ( ) 4. Read the following sentences: 1). The red pencil is longer than the yellow one. 2). The red pencil is longer than the blue one. 3). The red pencil is the longest. What sense does the last sentence convey? A. referential B. functional C. notional D. situational ( ) 5. Some students are very familiar with grammatical rules and have known a great amount of words, but they still fail to communicate with native-speakers. According to Halliday, what aspect do these students are not aware of about the use of a language while learning a foreign language? A. textual B. ideational C. interpersonal D. contextual ( ) 6. While listening, some students always focus on individual words. What model do they adopt? A. top-down model B. bottom-up model C. interactive model D. listening process model ( ) 7. When we do some reading, we often come across the following words such as but, and, however, in a word, to start with, etc. What do we call them? A. structure B. style C. schemata D. discourse markers ( ) 8. A teacher gives the following instructions and asks students to do as he instructs. 1). Turn left 2). Turn right 3). Open your books and turn to page1. What method does the teacher adopt? A. brainstorming B. substitution C. repetition D. TPR. ( ) 9. In which aspect do the pseudo communicative activities differ from the authentic ones ? A. information gap B. generation gap C. gap in creativity D. way of chatting ( ) 10. After reading some passage, you are asked to find out some facts. Which level of reading are you in ? 5 A. interpretive B. inferential C. literal D. critical/creative III. Interpret the following terms (20’). 1. critical period hypothesis 2. task-based approach 3. textbook 4. bottom-up reading model IV. Answer questions. (40’) 1. Among the language acquisition theories, such as behaviorism, innatism, interactionism, and cognitive theory, which one do you think is more reasonable and convincing ? Explain why? 2. What kind of a language learner you are? Have you ever thought of how you learn English? 3. Do you use Chinese in English learning and how? Try to observe yourself and pay attention to this, what conclusions can you reach about the role of Chinese in your English learning? 4. List the learning strategies you use frequently. V. Read the following two stories and tell what implication can be made respectively and what these two stories can be used to account for? (20’) Victor had been deprived of language contact for 12 years when he was found naked in the woods of Aveyron in France. Upon capture, he was found completely wild. A young doctor, Jean-Marc-Gaspard Itard, devoted five years to civilizing Victor and teaching him French. In spite of some success in developing Victor’s sociability, memory, judgment, and all the functions of his senses, Victor remained unreceptive to all sounds other than those which had meaning for him in the forest such as the cracking of nuts, animal sounds, or the sound of rain. He only succeeded in saying two words: “lait” and “O Dieu”. Finally, Itard gave up. Genie was a thirteen-and –a-half-year old girl when first discovered in 1970. She had been tied to a chair or a crib in a small and darkened room since the age of 20 months. Due to this isolation, deprivation of language and abuse, she was unsocialized, primitive and underdeveloped physically, emotionally and intellectually and could not speak. With all the desired care and treatments and after five years of exposure to language during which a normal child could have developed an elaborated language system, Genie’s language contained many of the features of abnormal language development. VI. Design as required(30’). 1. Design a communicative activity by reference to the picture and account for the strength and weakness of the activity (15’). 6 2. Design a lesson plan by reference to the following material (15). 7 KEY I. 1-5 F F F T T 6-10 T F F F T II. 1-5 A B B A D 6-10 B D D A C III. 1. critical period hypothesis It is said that age is another factor that is worth mentioning in language acquisition. It is observed that children will never learned language if they are deprived of linguistic contact too long. Eric Lenneberg argued that the LAD(language acquisition device ), like other biological functions, works successfully only when it is stimulated at the right time-----a specific and limited time period for language acquisition------which is referred to as the Critical Period Hypothesis(CPH). There are two versions of the CPH. While the strong one suggests that children must acquire their first language by puberty or they will never be able to learn from subsequent exposure, the weak version holds that language learning will be more difficult and incomplete after 8 puberty. 2. task-based approach This approach was first developed in the seventies of the last century in India by Prabhu who believed that foreign language is taught through communication, not for communication. Therefore, learning activities or communicative activities become the focus of the approach. The teaching under the guidance of the belief usually consists of three stages: pre-task, during-task and post-task. In the first stage, the teacher often introduce to students the purpose and process of the task and the time limit. In the second stage, students implement the task and report their performance. In the last stage, the teacher purposefully direct students to learning certain language points and require them to consolidate what they did through some drills. 3. textbook Textbook refers to book giving instructions in a branch of learning. English textbooks are usually compiled in different levels or volumes according to the teaching syllabus and all the main studying points are included in one volume, consisting of language knowledge like phonology, grammar, vocabulary, communicative functions and language skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. 4. bottom-up reading model While reading, we may process the text in different way. One way is to begin with words, then sentences, and finally the whole text. This way of processing is a linear model from part to whole. Such a model is known as bottom-up reading model by P. B. Gough. This model is helpful in learning new words and constructions. IV. 1. You are expected to tell at least one foreign language acquisition theory that you know and provide the main argument about the theory and then comment the theory either on the base of your teaching experience or learning experience. 2. You are supposed to tell your knowledge about learning style, especially about foreign language learning style. Then try to categorize your learning style into the established one and reflect the weakness and strength of your learning style. 3. You are require to identify the role of one’s mother tongue in learning a foreign language. You can use your personal learning experience as an example consider this role. 4. This question asks you to tell your knowledge about the foreign language learning strategies. Then try to identify your own learning strategy. V. 9 You are required to use language acquisition theory to explain the two stories. VII. 1. You should design a task by using the information presented in the picture. The task must be communicative in nature, not the drill of grammar or vocabulary. And then make a self-evaluation. 2. You should design a lesson plan by using the information presented in the box. Do remember to design your lesson plan under the guidance of certain foreign language theory, which is either overtly told or implicitly contained, but possibly identifiable in the plan.
上一篇文章: 2017年江苏大学822信息化教育概论考研大纲 下一篇文章: 2017年江苏大学820冶金物理化学考研大纲 |