- 1 - 2005 年考博英语辅导讲义参考答案 听力原稿和翻译 1. 一个艺术家通过作品表现自己的内心感受。 (1) An artist reveals his innermost feelings through his works, (2) An artist uses his works to convey his inner feelings. (3) An artist uses his works as a vehicle for the expression of his sentiments. 2. 我国的一项基本国策是发展乡镇企业。 (1) It is part and parcel of our national policy to develop enterprises in villages and towns. (2) It is an integral part of our national policy to promote the growth of township and village enterprises. 3. 我们要根据形势的发展来调整政策。 (1) We must make adjustments in our policy in response to changes in the situation. (2) We have to adjust our policy according to the changing situation. 4.我们必须合理利用现有资源促进我国的经济发展。 (1) We must promote the economic development of our county by making sensible use of the resources now available to us. (2)The economic growth of our county must rely on sensible utilization of available resources. 5.他利用业余时间学习英语。 (1) He studies English in his spare time. (2) He spends his spare time studying English 6.他的这个弱点很容易被对手利用。 (1) This weakness of his can be easily taken advantage of by his opponent. (2) His opponent can easily exploit this weakness of his. 7. 由于种种历史原因,中国的民族工业在 20 世纪上半叶没有得到迅速发展。 Due to various historical factors, the national industry of China did not enjoy fast growth in the first half of the 20thcentury. 8.这种政策不利于民族团结。 (1) Such a policy is not conducive to the unity of nationalities. (2) Such a policy is detrimental to the harmonious relationships among various ethnic groups. 9.中国是四大文明古国之一。 China is one of the four ancient civilizations in the world.
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