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二十四、中国人民大学 1991 年研究生入学考试试题
I. Name the authors of the following works (15 points)
1. AModest Proposal:
a. Swift b. Defoe
c. Scott d. Shaw
2. Tom Jones:
a. Henry Fielding b. Somerset Mangham
c. Graham Greene d. Stephen Crane
3. O my luve's like a red, red rose:
a. Blake b. Burns
c. Byron d. Shelley
4. Ode to the West Wind:
a. Frost b. Keat
c. Shelley d. Lamb
5. Oliver Twist:
a. Jack London b. Thomas Hardy
c. Dickens d. James Joyce
6. The Grapes of Wrath:
a. Saul Bellow b. John Steinbeck
c. George Orwell d. D.H. Lawrence
7. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening:
a. T. S. Eliot b. Emily Dickinson
c. Robert Frost d. William Butler Yeats
8. The Sun Also Rises:
a. Ernest Hemingway b. Willa Cather
c. Thomas Hardy d. A.E. Housman
9. The Wild Swans at Coole:
a. Yeats b. Shelley
c. Frost d. Whitman
10. Because I Could Not Stop for Death:
a. E. E. Cummings b. John Csborne
c. Emily Dickinson d. Thomas Hardy
11. Sister Carrie:
a. Theodore Dreiser b. Virginia Woolf
c. George Eliot d. Mrs. Gaskell
12. The Gilded Age:
a. Mark Twain b. Saul Bellow
c. Emerson d. Oscar Wilde
13. The Canterbury Tales:
a. Milton b. Chaucer
c. Ben Jonson d. Bunyan
14. Sons And Lovers:
a. Oliver Goldsmith b. Emily Bronte
c. Evelyn Waugh d. D.H. Lawrence
15. Of Human Bondage:
a. Joseph Conrad b. E.M. Foster
c. Sowerset Maugham d. W.H. Auden
II. Multiple Choice(10 points)
1. " " is written by Defoe in the form of autobiography.
a. Moll Flanders b. Captain Sungleton
c. Robinson Crusoe d. Colonel Jacque

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