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中国人民大学 2002 年研究生入学考试试题
考试科目:英语语言学 英语发展史 英汉互译
考试时间:1 月 27 日下午
Ⅰ.Linguistics (20%)
中国人民大学 2002 年研
1. Define the following linguistic concepts.
(1) synchronic linguistics
(2) cultural transmission
(3) morphology
(4) register
(5) synonymy
中国人民大学 2002 年研
2. Give short answers to the following questions. (10%)
(1) What are the methods for the addition of new words in the English language?
(2) When a teacher says “it’s so hot in here” during a class, what does she probably mean?
Refer to the theory of pragmatics when you analyze the situation.
Ⅱ. Define the following terms, and provide examples if necessary (12%).
1. Body Language
2. Pidgin English
3. Homograph
4. Slang
5. Colloquialism
6. Idiom
Ⅲ. Account for the Popularity of the English Language (8%).
Ⅳ. Translate the underlined parts of the following passage into Chinese. (20%)
Many years age, I, with another youth of my own age whom I had persuaded to make the
journey with me, walked throughout the day up a great mountain. There was a famous
astronomical observatory upon the mountain. (1) On certain nights, according to the guidebooks,
the lay public might come to the observatory and look upon some remote planetary object. They
could also hear a lecture.
The youth and I, who had much eager interest but no money, were unable to join one of the
numerous tours organized from the tourist hotels in the valley. (2) Instead, we bad trudged for
many hours in order to arrive before the crowds of visitors might frustrate our hopes for a glimpse
of those far worlds about whichwe had read so avidly.

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