参考答案 中国人民大学 2005 年硕士生入学考试试题 招生专业:英语语言文学 考试科目:基础英语 英文写作 英汉互译 考试时间:1 月 23 日 上午 考题编号:336 基础英语 1. Sentence completion 1-5 b a c b b 6-10 a c c e e 11-15 c b d b c 16-20 c d a d b 2. Error correction 1) But also when as far as the producer is concerned 2) Aparticular certain model of car 3) It is replaced for by a completely new model 4) New inventions and technology have to made many products obsolete 5) Fashion can be another major as influence on the life of a product 6) Some products survive because they now sell after in different areas 7) It is obvious that different products are last for different lengths of time 8) Their life cycles have certain common in elements 9) The length of the product‟s life cycle can often be extended by a modifying the production some way 10) Provided that the product remains so competitive 3. Cloze test 1) expect 2) self-evident 3) later 4) order 5) face 6) it 7) when 8) behavior 9) reflected/illustrated 10) where 4.Reading comprehension 1. The worlds before birth and after death are totally beyond our knowledge. So, we have an innate horror toward unknown world. But the author doesn‟t use any appalling words to arouse the panic. He just in a narrative tone tells us a story of someone else. By doing so, our inner panic toward unknown world is aroused. Actually, we seldom perceive horror if not from other‟s experience. So, from this aspect, the author has done a good job.
上一篇文章: 中国人民大学技术经济学(含企业管理)1998年考研真题考研试题 下一篇文章: 中国人民大学基础英语2001年(含答案)考研真题考研试题 |