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中国人民大学 2004 年研究生入学考试试题
考试科目:基础英语 英文写作 英汉互译
考试时间:1 月 11 日上午
Ⅰ. Vocabulary and Written Expressions(10 points)
Directions: Write in the blank the letter of the item which best completes each sentence.
1. Tough-talking ward councilor Tony Jones warned yesterday that the drive to clean up the
Oxford Road area is being by the criminal justice system itself.
a. hampered b. prohibited c. restricted d. reserved
2. It is a source of continuing frustration that sometimes, after huge amounts of resources
have gone into securing successful , career criminals often seem to be free after little more
than a third or half of their sentences.
a. convictions b. decisions c. vanquisher d. agreements
3. The police and others are doing their best to clamp down on crime and disorder-the
intrusion of burglary, the source of drug dealers ruining lives, the threat of intimidation, violence
and petty .
a. violation b. vandalism c. vanquisher d. variance
4. At a meeting attended by more than 600 lectures and support staff last week, workers
passed a vote of no in senior management.
a. consensus b. objection c. confidence d. continuation
5. At the height of her fame during the Second World War, she was one of the world’s most
influential women. But in later years, a gaunt relic of her former , she was a forlorn
propagandist for her husband’s ostracized and diminished regime.
a. reputation b. celerity c. background d. celebrity
6. That he was able to his responsibilities with such competence and apparent ease
was partly due to his experience in the Royal Navy.
a. discharge b. charge c. obtain d. answer
7. The Galbraiths were a gregarious and family, probably descended from the
Ancient British royal house of Strathelyde.
a. proliferate b. promotive c. prolific d. propagable
8. In 1945 he worked for Hambro’s Bank, touring the Middle East to report on diamond
a. elicit b. illiberal c. illuminant d. illicit
9. Despite his professional and his strength of character, he had a warm sensitivity
for the feelings of others, partly stemming from his memories of hardship at Dartmouth.
a. imminence b. immanence c. emanation d. eminence
10. Opposite the Italian journalists, Vladimir Putin, dressed and statesmanlike,
answered a question about one of the country’s notorious billionaires.
a. immaculately b. immeasurably c. justifiably d. unkemptly

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