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中国人民大学 2002 年研究生入学考试试题
考试科目:基础英语 英文写作
考试时间:1 月 27 日上午
一、基础英语 (8o%)
I. Vocabulary and Written Expressions (10%)
Directions: Write in the blank the letter of the item which best completes each sentence.
1. The high rate of species extinctions in these environments is_______, but it is important to
recognize the significance of biological diversity in all ecosystems.
A. impartial B. jolting C. integrating D. converting
2. Today, the railway remains the backbone of Russia’s________, and Moscow intends to
take its economic potential to the limit.
A. infrastructure B structure C. discipline D. foundation
3. Not getting a _______job is calamitous, but the consequences of being held up are seldom
that serious.
A. coveted B. prominent C worthwhile D. wicked
4. Self-image can be indicated by a tone of voice that is confident, pretentious, shy,
aggressive, outgoing, or_________, to name only a few personality gaits.
A. pedagogic B. discernible C. evaporated D. exuberant
5. Traffic _______ are less likely to irritate if you are not hungry, thirsty, hot, cold or in
desperate need of a bathroom.
A. stipulations B. congestions C. tie-ups D. norms
6. The most impatient people-the ones who ________ the waiting area and complained
A. probe B. grope C. propel D prowl
7. In early jazz, musicians often ________ melodies collectively, thus creating a kind of
A. improvised B agitated C. frazzled D. facilitated
8. If we can accept that the world is ours to enjoy but not made for our convenience, we’ll be
better able to move through it equably, more patient with the ordinary _______of life and a good
companion to our fellow human beings - and to ourselves.
A. evolution B. vicissitudes C. vicinity D. validity
9. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or _______ by the
United States or by any State on account of sex.
A. abridged B. patronized C. abbreviated D. Envisaged
10 US President George Bush rejected the________, fearing that cutting the use of fossils
fuel would damage.
A. proposition B. protocol C. hypothesis D. Proposal
II. Directions: In this passage there are altogether l0 mistakes. Try to detect the mistakes and write
out your corrected answer in the numbered bracket. (20 %)
Despite the modem desire to be easy and casual, Americans from time to tame give thought
to the language they use, to grammar, vocabulary, and official languages And, as at other issues,

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