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浙江师范大学 2006 年硕士研究生
考试科目:431 英语写作 报考学科、专业:课程与教学轮(英语教育学)、
第 1 页,共 1 页
I. Short Answer Questions (60%)
Directions: In this part there are four questions.
Answer the four questions briefly and to the point.
(1) What are the two aspects of the meaning of a word?
Illustrate them with examples.
(2) What are the main aims of an argumentative essay?
(3) What are the ways that may help a writer achieve
(4) Please write a loose, a periodic and a balanced
II.Essay Writing 1 (30%)
Directions: In this part, you are required to write an essay of
about 200 words with the given title.
Title: My Childhood
III.Essay Writing 2 (60%)
Directions: In this part, you are required to write an essay
on the question: “Is it possible to achieve both accuracy and
fluency in English in the context of the Chinese schools?” If
your answer is positive, please state your reasons and at the
same time explain how we can achieve the aim. If your
answer is negative, please state your reasons and at the same
time explain which of the two should have priority in the
present situation of China’s English teaching. Don’t forget to
entitle your essay by yourself. Suggested length of the essay
is around 500 words.

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