一、大纲分析及得分策略 共4篇文章,每篇文章5个问题。2分/题。共40分。 文章题材、体裁多样。文章涉及政治、经济、历史、地理、文化、科技、人文、时事等。 阅读理解题在整个试卷中是: 所占分值比例最大的题目。40分。 题量最大的题目:1000左右单词的阅读量(包括题目和选项) 时间最紧的题目:21-23分钟的答题时间。 得分目标:24–30分 二、备战阅读理解所需解决的问题及方法 1.阅读速度和理解的准确度之间的平衡 满足速度上的要求,实现70%的理解,完成80%题目的正确回答没有必要弄清文章的每一个单词、每一个 句子、每一个细节,做到所谓的100%理解;而是在准确把握文章大意的前提下,有的放矢地针对文章后面 的提问做出正确的解答。 2.面对文中的生词 首先,不要让文中注定会出现的生词成为影响你阅读的心理障碍。要知道,出现生词是不可避免的,同时, 生词的出现并不意味着一定会影响你对文章的正确理解。 其次,要在平时的练习中掌握破解生词的技巧。 除了坚持背单词,全面掌握大纲词汇以外,在阅读中遇到生词时还可以采用以下两个技巧,进行解决: A. 根据构词法,判断词义。词根、前缀、后缀。平时应注意词根记忆。 B. 利用生词与上下文的关系。生词不是孤立的、封闭的,它所出现于其中的句子、段落,都会提供很多的 暗示和线索,其中最常见的上下文暗示或线索可以概括为如下五种: 1)同义词或重复线索。 标志此含义的词有:and, also, moreover, further, or, likewise, in addition, besides, similarly, in fact. The woman found herself in a difficult situation. In fact, her plight was so serious that she decided to get help. Children often try to emulate or copy the behavior that they see on television. 2)比较/对照线索 一个句子可能包含这样一个单词,它与生词具有相反的意义。同时可能在句中阅读到“on the other hand”、 “however”、“although”、“unlike”、“yet”、“but”、 “on the contrary”“to the opposite” “otherwise” “while”等转 折语。 Some people like to walk quickly home after work, but I prefer to stroll home and look at the store windows along the way. My sister is an optimist, whileher boyfriend is one who is always gloomy and expects the worst to happen. 3)例释线索 有时会在句中读到表示例释线索的信号词:for example, for instance, such as, to illustrate, in other words, that is to say, the same as。有时则没有这类信号词。 Mr. Kelada was the most loquacious man I’d ever met. He talked with everyone on the ship, and he always had something to say, no matter what the topic. 4)直接解释的线索 The powerful poison was imperceptible when mixed in liquid, that is , it could not be tasted, seen, or smelled. 5)经验线索或情境线索 It was the first time Nancy had been in the big city. She felt a little apprehensive as she walked out into the street, with so many strange faces staring at her. 3.在阅读中学会忽略一些单词,做到在不影响理解的情况下提高阅读速度。 阅读专家 C.B.Bassin 博士研究表明,漏掉30%的非重点单词并不严重妨碍对文章的理解。由于语言的冗余
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