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I ReadingComprehension 45
II Vocabularv& Grammar 15
III Cloze f,
IV Proofreading & Error Correction J
v Ttanslation 15
VI Writing 15
Part I. ReadingComprehension(@,'Jrffi1.5 tl, * 45 h)
Directions: Thereare 6passagesin thissection.Eachpassageisfollowed bysomequestions.For
eachofthem therearefour choicesmarkedA),B), C), andD). Youshoulddecideon thebest
choiceand write thecorrespondingletter on theAnswerSheet.
Everyoneknows how the story of Cinderellaends,but did you everreally think abouthow
she spenther days before she met the princd?Her daily routine was not fascinating.She did
everythingfrom sweepingthe floor to cookingthemeals.If someonehad askedCinderella,"Are
thereanykinds of householdwork thatyou particularlyhate?"sheprobablywould haveanswered,
"Why, none,of course.Houseworkis my duty!" In the real world, however,most peoplehave
definite dislikes for certainsortsof householdwork. Two of thesetasksare ironing clothesand
Ironing clothes is most hated becauseit is not a task that can be completedquickly or
thoughtlessly.Eachpieceof clothingmustbe handledindividually,so ironing a basketof laundry
cantakehours!After ironing a pieceof clothingwith greatcautionowhich requiressmoothingout
thefabric,andfollowing the seams,you needto placeit on a hangerassoonaspossible.If you do
not follow thesedirectionscarefully,it might becomewrinkled andyou haveto startover.Perhaps
that is why ironing is not a favorite thing to do. It calls for extremeattentionto detail from
beginningto end.
Anotherhouseholdjob that many peopledislike is washingdishes.Of course,somepeople
claimthat this work is no longera problembecausewe havedishwashersnow! However,no one
would arguethat dishes,silverware,and especiallypots and panswashedin a dishwasherdon't
comeout ascleanastheydo whenwashedby hand.For this reason,manyof us continueto wash
our dishesby hand,but we arenot necessarilyhappydoing it. Cleaningdishesis ajob that not
only takesa lot of energybut alsorequiresthepatienceto washanddry them.In addition,unlike
ironing clothes,washingdishesis a thing thatusuallymustbe doneeveryday.I don't know how
Cinderellafelt aboutthis particulartask,but I believethatmostpeoplehateit asmuchasI do.
l. ForCinderella,doinghouseholdwork is

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