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2014 年上海海事大学攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题
考试科目代码 256 考试科目名称 二外英语
Part I. Vocabulary and Grammar (1×30=30%)
In this section there are 30 sentences, and after each there are four choices marked A, B, C
and D. Choose the ONE that best fits into each sentence and write the corresponding letter on the Answer
1.Johnson isn't tired of Shanghai, it seems, but appearances can be _________.
A. deceptive B. receptive C. perceptive D. intuitive
2.Jeremy said he agreed but his voice lacked ________.
A. inspiration B. conviction C. imitation D. preoccupation
3.Be brave. The world community should not _________ in the face of this economic recession.
A. shuffle B. flinch C. stake D. avoid
4.Water is the softest substance in the world, but yet it can _______ the hardest rock.
A. plow B. trespass C. prevail D. penetrate
5.Many of the girls from the South seemed to be _______ with excitement on seeing the snow.
A. addicted B. annoyed C. infused D. lamented
6.I believe that people should live in houses that allow them to ________ from the harsh
realities of life.
A. wither B. retreat C. carve D. avoid
7.He is waiting for them to recognize him and eventually they do, much to his _________.
A. nomination B. gratification C. justification D. obligation
8.What you do for a living is critical to where you settle and how you live ––– and the
__________ is also true.
A. converse B. reverse C. back D. access
9.People develop on-line relationships with folks on the other side of the globe, but at the
expense of the time that would have otherwise been __________for involvements with their
peers in reality.
A. simulated B. fragmented C. available D. alienated
10.He's a wanted killer, and the police have been given strict instructions to __________ him at
all costs.
A. comprehend B. supplement C. compliment D. apprehend
11.The hundred or so pictures he took the next day _______ the fullest photographic record of
nuclear destruction in existence.
A. compromise B. attribute C. constitute D. distribute
12.The photograph display the fate of a single city, but their meaning is _______, since what
happened to Nagasaki can happen to any city in the world.
A. universal B. unearthly C. usual D. united
13.The human imagination had stumbled to _______ in the wreckage of the first ruined city
without reaching even the outskirts of the second.
A. fragility B. exhaustion C. existence D. continuation
14. In his research, Professor Danes found the _______ of human beings to fight after they've
been defeated.
A. affection B. fragility C. resiliency D. tapestry
15. In prosperity our friends know us, but in ________ we know our friends.
说明:本站提供的《上海海事大学第二外语2014年考研真题考研试题 》源自权威渠道,为历年考过(被使用过)的真题试卷,除标注有“回忆版”字样的试题外,其余均为原版扫描,权威可靠;回忆版试题由当年参加全国硕士、博士研究生入学考试考生回忆,内容完整。



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