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发布时间:2018-9-1 0:46:51
科目代码:446 请在答题纸(本)上做题,在此试卷或草稿纸上做题无效! 山东科技大学 2006 年招收硕士学位研究生入学考试 英语综合试卷 (共 4 页) I. Define the following terms with examples.(30%) 1.Arbitrariness 2.Phonology 3.Cardinal Vowels 4.Suprasegmental features 5.Lexeme 6.Concord 7.IC Analysis 8.Theme vs Rheme 9.Schemata 10.Corcodance 11.Communicative Competence 12.Interlanguage 13.The Ideational function 14.Case grammar 15.Complementary distribution II. Mark the following statements T for true and F for false.(10%) 1. Plato has been called by some the “father of grammar in the Western World”. 2. Sense may be defined as the semantic relations between one linguistic unit and the other one. 3. The metalingual function of language refers to the function of language that can be used to talk about itself. 4. Deep structure may be defined as the abstract representation of the syntactic properties of a constitutes. 5. The term ANAPHOR in the theory of binding is used to include both pronominals and reflexives. 6. A diagnosis test is designed to discover mainly what the testee does not know about the language. 7. The theory of context of situation was proposed by J.R.Firth, a British linguist. 8. Noam Chomsky „s T.G. grammar has been considered by many people as an insurrection against Bloomfieldian linguistics and behaviorist psychology. 9. The so-called Great Vowel Shift serves as a rough and ready means of demarcating old English from Middle English. 10. The earliest significant work in comparing language was done by an Englishman William Jones.(1749-1794). III. Complete the following tests to find out how much you know about basic linguistics.(30%) 1. Which of the following statements is the definition of the term “parsing”? a) An inscription that symbolizes a word or the idea behind a word rather than illustrating an actual object. b) The property of having two or more distinct meanings. c) The analysis of the words of a sentence according to parts of speech and the syntactical