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发布时间:2018-9-1 1:09:41
青岛大学 2015 年硕士研究生入学考试试题 科目代码: 848 科目名称:英汉互译与汉语写作(共 4 页) 请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效 PartⅠ. Translate the following terms and passages into Chinese (60 points). A 1. image 2. semantics 3. blank verse 4. melodrama 5. motif 6. picaresque novel 7. productivity 8. general linguistics 9. performance 10. ecocriticism B Since the novelist is himself a human being, there is an affinity between him and his subject-matter which is absent in many other forms of art. The historian is also linked, though as we shall see, less intimately. The painter and sculptor need not be linked: that is to say, they need not represent human beings unless they wish, no more need the poet, while the musician cannot represent them even if he wishes, without the help of a programme. The novelist, unlike many of his colleagues, make up a number of word-masses roughly describing himself (roughly: niceties shall come later), gives them names and sex, assigns them plausible gestures, and causes them to speak by the use of inverted commas, and perhaps to behave consistently. These