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1 青岛大学 2015 年硕士研究生入学考试试题 科目代码: 808 科目名称: 英语综合 (共 4 页) 请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效 Part One Linguistics (50 points) I. Define the following terms briefly. (20 points) 1. suprasegmental 2. morpheme 3. inflection 4. immediate constituent analysis 5. deep structure 6. converse antonymy 7. cooperative principle 8. entailment 9. interlanguage 10. case grammar II. Answer ONE of the two essay questions below with at least 300 words. (30 points) 1. How does Halliday relate the functions performed by language to its structures, or systems? 2. Please give brief introductions to main branches of linguistics and give a detailed description of one branch that you are interested in. Part Two Translation (50 points) I. Translate the following into Chinese. Your translation should both be an intelligibly fluent representation of the original text. (25 points) It is in the nature of things that the target text displays only the translator’s final decisions. Readers perceive an end-product, a result of a decision-making process; they do not have access to pathways leading to decisions, to the dilemmas to be resolved by the translator. What is available for scrutiny is the end-product, the result of translation practice rather than the practice itself. In other words, we are looking at translation as product instead of translating as process.
说明:本站提供 的《青岛大学808英语综合2015年考研真题考研试题 》源自权威渠道,为历年考过(被使用过)的真题试卷,除标注有“回忆版”字样的试题外,其余均为原版扫描,权威可靠;回忆版试题由当年参加全国硕士、博士研究生入学考试考生回忆,内容完整。