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发布时间:2018-9-1 1:15:56
宁波大学 2015 年攻读硕士学位研究生 入 学 考 试 试 题(A 卷) (答案必须写在答题纸上) 考试科目: 英语教学论 科目代码: 837 适用专业: 学科教学(英语) 第 1 页 共 2 页 1. Traditional language teaching methods and communicative language teaching approach: dichotomy or continuum? (20 points) 2. What is communicative competence(CC)? How to develop the learners’ CC according to your teaching or learning experience? (20 points) 3. How do you assume the post-method era? Does it indicate we can abandon the language teaching methods or approaches? (20 points) 4. In terms of task-based language teaching and learning, Nunan, Feez(1998), Ellis gave different accounts. Please define the concept of TBLT according to Nunan and list some basic principles of task-based language teaching according to Feez’s claims. You can also show your own opinions. (20 points) 5. 如何理解“强任务”(strong version)和“弱任务”(weak version)。(只有本题可用中文回 答,其他各题必须用英文回答。(20 points) 6. Choose one of the following pictures and write a lesson plan. (50 points) Picture 1