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答案部分: 南开大学 2004 年研究生入学考试试题 考试科目:英美文学 专业:英语语言文学 Part One Defining The Literary Terms Directions: give brief explanations to the following terms and write all your answers on the Answer Sheets. (30 points) (南开大学 2004 年研) 1. allegory Allegory is a work of art in which a deeper meaning underlies the superficial or literal meaning, or the representation of one meaning by another in this way. It is often referred to a work of fiction in which the author intends characters and their actions to be understood in terms other than their surface appearances and meanings, and the implied or extended meanings involve moral or spiritual concepts more significant than the actual narrative itself. Bunyan’s Pilogrim’s Progress and Golding’s Lord of Flies are two examples of this kind. 2. tragicomedy Tragicomedy is a play in which the action, though apparently leading to a catastrophe, is reversed to bring about a happy ending. The term is frequently associated with some of the plays of Beaumont and Fletcher, whose Philaster, or Love Lies A-Bleeding (ca. 1610) is an example of the form. The typical tragicomedy concerns noble characters involved in improbable situations. Love, frequently seen as a contrast of the pure and the sensual, is the central motive of the elaborate plot, in which both hero and heroine are rescued from imminent disaster so that the play may conclude happily. The term may be used to characterize such plays as Shakespeare’s Cymbeline and The Winter’s Tale and, by extension, any play that involves a similar movement of plot. 3. alliteration Alliteration is a figure of speech in which consonants, especially at the beginning of words, or stressed syllables, are repeated. For example, “to sit in solemn silence in a dull, dark dock.” It is a very old device indeed in English verse and is common in verse generally. It is used occasionally in prose. In Old English poetry alliteration was a continual and essential part of the metrical scheme and until the late Middle Ages was often used thus. However, alliterative verse becomes increasingly rare after the end of the 15th century and alliteration—like assonance, consonance and onomatopoeia—tends more to be reserved for the achievement of the special effect. 4. stream of consciousness Coined by William James in Principles of Psychology (1890) to describe the flow of inner experience, the term stream of consciousness in literature refers to the depiction of the thoughts and feelings which flow, with no apparent logic, through the mind of a character. To create the effect of the chaotic stream that we recognize in reality, the writer presents the seemingly random mingling of thoughts, feelings, and sense impressions of a character at a specific time. The style became influential after it was used by James Joyce in Ulysses. The technique has also been used by such distinguished 20th -century authors as Virginia Woolf and William Faulkner. 5. lyric In Greek poetry, a lyric was a poem sung to the accompaniment of a lyre. We still refer to the words of a song as “the lyrics,” but in general the term lyric denotes a poem of limited length expressing the thoughts and especially the feelings of a single speaker. Such a poem usually 购买历年考研、考博真题,到考博信息网|http://www.kaoboinfo.com 查询清单、下单、和下载电子版真题 购买历年考研、考博真题,到考博信息网|http://www.kaoboinfo.com 查询清单、下单、和下载电子版真题