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发布时间:2018-9-1 2:35:53
1 机密★启用前 江苏大学 2004 年硕士研究生入学考试试题 考试科目:英语语言学 考生注意:答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试题及草稿纸上无效! I. Multiple choice (10% ) 1. ____________ has been widely accepted as the forefather of modern linguistics. a. Chomsky b. Saussure c. Bloomfield d. John Lyons 2. The minimal independent unit of language is _________. a. phoneme b. word c. morpheme d. affix 3. ____________ is not an English consonant. a. Labio-dental plosive b. Alveolar nasal c. velar stop d. Dental fricative 4. __________ is not a distinctive feature in English phonology. a. Nasality b. Voicing c. Aspiration d. rounding 5. The choice of an allophone in a given phonetic context is ______. a. random b. predictable c. variable d. independent 6. Site and sight are ____________. a. orthography b. homography c. homophony d. hyponymy 7. Kodak is a(n) ____________. a. coinage b. blending c. acronym d. clipping 8. ____________ is a phenomenon that in some speech communities two varieties of a language exist sides by side, with each having a different role to play. a. Bilingualism b. Diglossia c. Pidgin d. Creole 9. The Indirect Speech Act was developed by __________. a. John Austin b. Levinson c. John Lyons d. John Searle. 10. The totality of linguistic varieties possessed by an individual constitutes his _________. a. register b. linguistic repertoire c. idiolect d. dialect II. Define the following terms(30% ) 1. arbitrariness 2. evocative 3. competence 4. manners of articulation 5. distinctive features 6. stem 7. idiom 8. endocentric 9. hyponymy 10. sound writing 11. acronym 12. ideolect 13.standard language 14. illocutionary act 15.internal authority III. Justify the following claims or statements. (20% ) 1 The violation of one or more of the conversational maxims (of the CP Principle) can, when the listener fully understands the speaker, create conversational implicature, a humor sometimes. 2 Duality and cultural transmission are two most important design features of human language. 3. Chomsky's 'competence' and 'performance' are similar in meaning to Saussure's 'langue' and 'parole'. IV. Make your critical remarks on the following: (20%): 1 It's a bit cold in here. 2 John married Fred's sister 共 2 页 第 1 页
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