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发布时间:2018-9-1 2:50:41
1. Enrichmentculture i s a methodfor isolatingmicroorganismsfrom natureusing specific _and incubationconditions 2. chemotaxismeansthemovementof anorganism a chemicalgradient 3. A gel-likeregionbetweenthe outersurfaceof the cytoplasmicmembraneandthe innersurfaceof the lipopolysaccharidelayerof gram-negativebacteriais called_ 4. A culturemedium composedof digestsof chemicallyundefinedsubstancessuch asyeast andmeatextracts is called medium 5. Anaerobiccatabolismin which an organic compoundservesasboth an electron donorandan electronacceptorandin which ATP is producedby substrate-level phosphorylationis a processcalled_ 6. phototrophicbacteriacomprisea largeandmorphologicallyheterogeneousgroup of _. 7. All fungi arechemoheterotrophs,requiring _for energyandcarbon. 8. - are microorganismsthat obtain their energy to synthesizeorganic compoundsfromlight. 9.A mediumwheretheineredientsareknowniscalleda 10. The portion of thc myce¢òu¢ò1concemcd¡¢vith obtaining nutrients is ca¢òed the vegetative rnycc¢òun1;the portion concemcd¡¢vith reproduction is the ~__ or ~_¡¥mycehum, ¶þ¡£ Ñ¡ÔñÌâ (¹² 30·Ö,ÿ Ìâ 1·Ö) 1,Agar is sLlperior to gelatin as a soli(liµÆillg agent becat¡¾se agar a¡£does not rnelt at room telnperature b,so¢òdifles at75¡ãC c¡£is not usua11y dccOmposed by rnicroorganisms d,both a and c 2.A¡Ç1icroscope that has a total rnagniflcation of l,500x with the oil immersion lcns has an ocular of¡¢vhat po¡¢vcr? l medium