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2008 华南师大体育人文社会学专业硕士生入学考试复试题 一、面试口试题(50 分): 复试方法:考生分五组,五人一组抽一题进行讨论。讨论没有预设标准答案,简洁、清楚地表达自 己的观点 20 分,能看出别人论述的缺陷并予以纠正、反驳或补充 15 分,论述的广度、深度和逻辑性 15 分。 讨论题 1.最近在欧美一些国家的奥运圣火传递中发生了一些不谐调的事件,请就此发表你们的看法。 2.请就 2008 奥运会后中国竞技体育的发展趋势谈谈你们的看法。 3.体育教师在针对小学生、初中生、高中生和大学生的体育教学中采用的教学策略是否应有区别? 为什么? 4.经过多年努力,武术仍未能成为 2008 年北京奥运会的正式比赛项目,怎样认识这个结果的意义? 5.我国青少年身体发育中存在着这样一种趋势:K-6 阶段超重儿童越来越多,而到中学、大学阶段营 养不良的比例越来越高,在女孩中这种情况尤其突出。请问如何看待这种现象? 二、英译汉(10 分) The point here is significant in general but also important in terms of defining a comparative frame of reference for understanding the relationship between the body, discourses about the body, and nationalism. With an excellent sense of how and why the precise details matter, Morris clearly points out that those who were concerned with the development of sport in early-twentieth-century China struggled with the meaning of sport, and the relationship between Western and “traditional” sports, as well as the distinction between sport, physical education, and physical culture. But they did so, for the most part, from a perspective from which it was both absolutely necessary—and strikingly unproblematic—to speak for all Chinese. The dominant trend in this totalizing discourse was to define tiyu—translated as body cultivation involving sports, gymnastics, drill regimens, and calisthenics—as relevant to Chinese modernity and as a key mechanism for transforming effete self-serving subjects into manly citizens with a single, common purpose. In a curious way, the more problematic it be- came to define and institutionalize tiyu as such, the less problematic it became to frame the debate as one that was relevant to all Chinese. 三、试论 80 年代以来农民进城打工对学校体育的影响。(40 分)