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发布时间:2018-9-1 4:14:42
桂林电子科技大学硕士研究生入学考试复试试卷(B 卷) 考试科目代码: 考试科目名称:专业英语 请注意:答案必须写在答题纸上(写在试卷上无效)。 英译汉 1. (1) negative number (2)inequality (3)differential equations (4) inverse function (5)mathematical physics (6)real variable 2. (1)Often, when numerical techniques are going to be used to solve a physical problem, it is not possible to thoroughly analyze the methods that are used. Any time we use methods that have not been thoroughly analyzed, we must resort to methods that become a part of numerical experimentation. As we shall see, often such experimentation will also become necessary for linear problems. In fact, we often do not even know what to try to prove analytically until we have run a well-designed series of experiments. (2) Let P denote the set of all positive integers. Then P is itself an inductive set (归纳集)because )(a it contains 1, and )(b it contains 1x whenever it contains x . Since the members of P belong to every inductive set, we refer to P as the smallest inductive set. This property of the set P forms the logical basis for a type of reasoning that mathematicians call proof by induction, a detailed discussion of which is given in Part 4 of this Introduction. 共 1 页 第 1 页