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二十三、广州外语外贸大学 1985 年硕士研究生考试综合试题
I. Read through the following passage and then fill each of the numbered blanks with ONE suitable
word from the list following the passage (30%)
The war against ageing is being fought today on a broad front. Psychologists and
sociologists, for instance, are studying the (1)……...of culture on the physical well-being of an
(2) …… person. In Hanzl (Kashmir), Vilcabamba (Ecuador), and Abkasis (Russia), in all
(3) …… where longevity seems to run in whole (4) .…….., the aged are esteemed and almost
(5) ......... for their years, which are (6) .…….. to bring them wisdom. But in a youth-loving
(7) …….., like the American, the old seem somehow (8) …....... the outsiders of our society.
Part of the (9) ……… is that our perception of old age is fogged by a (10) .……. of myths.
"Most of our ideas about old (11) ......…… are really grotesque stereotypes forced (12).........
them by this society," says Dr. Margaret Clark, an anthropologist who has studied ageing in
(13) ......….. cultures. "People believe them and (14).......….they become self-fulfilling
(15)......... Anthropological evidence shows us it needn't be go – in many parts of the world, old
people (16) ………very effectively in very active (17)……….”One of the most popular
stereotypes Dr. Clark (18) ........…. is the idea of inevitable (19)… ......... deterioration in the
age. For years it was regarded (20) ….........almost axiomatic that a person's I. Q. tended to rise
through (21)…...... and adolescence reached a plateau in the 30s and then, after 40, began a
slow, (22) …..….. decline. New evidence, however, (23) .......….. this. Intelligence is an
umbrella, (24). ....... ...that covers different kinds of abilities--in some areas such as information
storage, many people even (25) ......... actual improvement with age. Happiness in older people
in our society (26)………..on what kind of adjustment the older person can (27) …......... to the
assortment of (28) .....….. and stereotypes all around him. Some older people
(29).......….. submit to being an "old man" or "old woman"; others (30) ………. stubbornly
against it. Several American organizations have been established in recent years to combat the
stereotypes of old age.
Show envied culture so
People on populations communities
Effect older believed fight
Passively pension situation term
Dismal make myths many
Prqhecies disputes youth as
Host function cities depends
Mental suffers since at
Alien roles problem much
II. Each question in this part consists of a sentence in which one word or phrase has been
underlined. Four words or phrases, marked a, b, c, and d, are given beneath each sentence. You
are to choose the ONE word or phrase which could be substituted for the underlined word or
phrase without changing the meaning of the sentence. (30%)
31. The young engineer had a singular appearance.
a. familiar b. peculiar
c. handsome d. funny
32. Gathering all the courage they had, the boys went down the hill into the burning canyon.
a. forest b. barn
c. valley d. building
33. A goodhunter, like a good football coach, must keep young dogs working with the
veterinary to insure a good team next season.
a. guide b. trainer
c. feed d. animal doctor
34. It was hot; we had had no water since morning, and our mounts were tired.
a. horses b. dogs
说明:本站提供的《广东外语外贸大学英语综合1985年(含答案)考研真题考研试题 》源自权威渠道,为历年考过(被使用过)的真题试卷,除标注有“回忆版”字样的试题外,其余均为原版扫描,权威可靠;回忆版试题由当年参加全国硕士、博士研究生入学考试考生回忆,内容完整。



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