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发布时间:2018-9-1 4:20:31
答案部分: 广东外语外贸大学 2003 年硕士研究生入学考试 英语写作与翻译 Task 1: Summary Writing (40%) Directions: Read carefully the following passage and summarize its contents in 100-120 words. Note that you must not copy complete sentences directly from the original. Failure to do so would incur deduction of your scores. Passage Killing for Sport It wouldn’t be quite true to say that “some of my best friends are hunters.” Still, I do number among my respected acquaintances some who not only kill for the sake of killing but count it among their keenest pleasures. And I can think of no better illustration of the fact that men may be separated at some point by fathomless abyss yet share elsewhere much common ground. To me, it is inconceivable that anyone can think an animal more interesting dead than alive, I can also easily prove, to my own satisfaction, that killing “for sport” is the perfect type of that pure evil for which metaphysicians have sometimes sought. Most wicked deeds are done because the doer proposes some good for himself. The liar lies to gain some end; the swindler and the thief want things which, if honestly got, might be good in themselves. Even the murderer is usually removing some impediment to normal desires. Though all of these are selfish or unscrupulous, their deeds are not gratuitously evil. But the killer for sport seems to have no such excusable motive. He seems merely to prefer death to life, darkness to light. He seems to get nothing other than the satisfaction of saying: “Something which wanted to live is dead. Because I can bring terror and agony, I assure myself that I have power. Because of me there is that much less vitality, consciousness and perhaps joy in the universe. I am the spirit that denies.” When a man wantonly destroys one of the works of man, we call him “Vandal.” When he wantonly destroys one of theworks of God, we call him “Sportsman.” The hunter-for-food may be as wicked and as misguided as vegetarians sometimes say, but he does not kill for the sake of killing. The ranchers and the farmers who exterminate all living things not immediately profitable to them may sometimes be working against their own best interests; but whether they are or not, they hope to achieve some supposed good by the exterminations, if to do evil, not in the hope of gain but for evil’s sake, involves the deepest guilt by which man can be stained, then killing for killing’s sake is a terrifying phenomenon and as strong a proof as we could have of the “reality of evil” with which present-day theologians are again concerned. 答案: Some of my acquaintances enjoy killing for sport. Although we share a lot in common, I cannot agree with them on this point because I think killing for sport is evil. Usually, people do something bad in the hope of gaining some good. Thus no matter how selfish and evil their behaviors are, they have some forgivable motivations. However, the killer for sport kills purely for killing’s sake and brings only terror but nothing else to others and himself. Killing for sport differs from killing for food by hunters or killing for other supposed interests by ranchers in the purposes of killing. While the latter two aim to gain something from