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发布时间:2018-9-1 4:21:53
欢迎报考广东商学院硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!(第 1 页 共 2 页) 1 广东商学院硕士研究生入学考试试卷 考试年度:2009 年 考试科目代码及名称:603-普通语言学 适用专业:050201-英语语言文学 一、名词解释(10 题,每题 3 分,共 30 分) 1. category 2. semantic components 3. schemata 4. linguistic universality 5. duality 6. metalingual function 7. minmal pair 8. inflection 9. cooperative principle 10. validity 二、判断题 (5 题,每题 8 分,共 40 分) Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully and decide whether it is true or false. Write T for true and F for false in the bracket. 1.( ) The Chinese expressions “吃饭了吗?” “家里都好吗?” “这是去 哪啊?” etc. are examples of displacement. 2. ( ) Gradable antonymy is the sense relation between two antonyms which differ in terms of degree while complementary antonymy is the sense relation between two antonyms which are complementary to each other. 3. ( ) In the example: “He couldn’t open the door. It was locked tight”, the relation between “the door” and “It” is that of substitution. 4. ( ) A phoneme in one language or one dialect may be an allophone in another language or dialect. 5. ( ) A speaker flouts the Maxim of Quantity when his contributions to the conversation are not truthful. 三、简答题 (5 题,每题 8 分,共 40 分) 1. 1. Find the sources of the following blends. (1 point for each)