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1999 对外经济贸易大学国际贸易专业英语试题 1. ASIA: ONE YEAR LATER On the first anniversary of Asia’s worst recession in half a century, it is clear that the geoeconomic shape of the Pacific Rim will be far different from what anyone anticipated just a year ago. The fulcrum of growth is slowly shifting from a senescent Japan and stagnant Southeast Asia to a dynamic, confident China, President Clinton’s remarkable journey will likely mark this tectonicshift for future histories. Consider these events taking place: CHINA is choosing a strategy of pumping up domestic-led economic growth, in contrast with the International Monetary Fund’s policy of austerity and Japan’s weak yan-and-export push. By cutting interest rates, privatizing housing, inviting foreign investment, and keeping the renminbi stable, Beijing is increasing domestic demand and growth. Certainly, China shares many of the woes afflicting Asia-insolvent banks, lax regulatory enforcement, and corruption. Yet its vigor in attacking these problems and its decision to opt for a strong currency set it apart and show real leadship. Japan, in contrast, is stick in a hermetically sealed society. Despite the rhetoric of reform, its political and bureaucratic elites deny there is anything basically wrong and run the country as a pension state focused on an aging population. Problems are described as isolated , and solutions take an inordinate amount of time. Seven years into a severe banking crisis, Tokyo is just now passing legislation to create a Resolution Trust Corp.-type unit. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate soars to new records. Among men, who constitute most of thelabor force, it hit 4.3% in May, It is worse for the young. The jobless rate for men 15 to 24 years old rose to 8.4%. Foreign investment should be pouring in to reinvigorate growth, but little is allowed. Mergers and acquisitions should be consolidating companies, but few are permitted. Immigrants should be arriving to give new life to society and support the elderly, but they are forbidden. Outside CEOs should be taking over failing corporations, but is not accepted. As much as China is invigorated, Japan is stultified. The contrast is startling. SOUTHESAT ASIA is in agony. A huge nascent middle class is being pushed back into poverty. Depression is looming. Indonesia is deindustrializing, with people leaving cities to return to villages. Chinese merchants are fleeing(up to 100,000 have left). Overseas Chinese capital that funded much of Southeast Asia’s past three decated of growth is drying up. 1.一年之后的亚洲 很明显,在半个世纪以来亚洲出现最严重经济衰退的一周年之际,环太平洋地区的地缘 经济状况形势和一年以前任何人预期的都相去甚远。经济增长的支柱已经由疲软的日本、东 南亚向经济发展势头强劲、满怀自信的中国转移,克林顿总统的非凡之旅也将标志着未来经 济架构的巨大转变。请看看都发生了什么事件:与国际货币基金组织节俭政策和日本弱日元 的出口推动模式相反,中国正在选择发展内需拉动型经济增长,通过降低利率、房产私有化、 吸引外国投资和保持人民币币值稳定等举措,中国政府旨在增加国内需求和促进经济增长。 当然,一些曾经困扰亚洲破产银行的诟病、政策实施的不力以及腐败问题在中国也同样存在, 但其解决这些问题的决心和维持硬通货的决定明显的与其他国家不同,显示出了中国领导者 的风范。