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对外经济贸易大学 2005 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试
421 金融专业基础试题
一、True-False Questions(1 x 15=i5 points).
Indicate whether each of the following statements is true or false by writing“T”Or“F”on
your answer sheet.
1.In a freely floating exchange rate system,exchange rates are determined solely by the
forces of supply and demand which,in turn,are influenced by fundamental economic variables.
2.According to the price·specie-flow mechanism,prices are equalized across countries,
and the international payments are brought into equilibrium automatically.
3.According to the theory of the optimum currency area,the trade-off becomes favorable as
the size of the economic unit shrinks.
4.The balance of payments is an accounting statement which measures all financial and
economic transactions between domestic residents and non-residents over a specified period of
5.A currency is said to be selling at a premium if the forward rate expressed in dollars is
less than the spot rate.
6.If the first forward quote(bid rate)is smaller than the second forward quote (offer rate),
then the forward rate is at a discount and the points are subtracted from the spot rate
7.If exchange rate inconsistencies exist in different money centers,exchange traders will
take advantage of currency arbitrage opportunities.
8.An out-of-the-money option is worthful on its maturity date.
9.Purchasing power parity says that the currency with the higher rate of inflation is
expected to depreciate relative to the currency with the lower rate of inflation.
10.If the forward rate is unbiased,then it should reflect the expected future spot rate at
11.Transaction risk can not be eliminated by pricing all contracts in the home currency.
12.The Eurobond market exists because investors are able to avoid government regulation
and taxes.
13.Although interest rate swaps can be used to hedge interest rate risk,they may not be
used to reduce costs.
14 .The Brady plan called on Less Developed Countries ( LDCs ) to undertake
growth-oriented structural reforms ,while the Baker plan emphasized debt relief through
forgiveness instead of new lending.
15.The foreign exchange market is similar to the OTC market in securities,whereby trading
is done over the telephone or through telex。No centralized marketplace exists except for a few
places in Europe.
二、Single or Multiple-Choice Questions(2 x l0=20 points).
In each question,at least one answer is true.If your choices are right but fewer than the
standard,you will still get fewer points.Please write the letters of your choice following every
question number on your answer sheet.
1.The current exchange rate systemcan best be characterized as a
a.free float
说明:本站提供的《对外经济贸易大学金融专业基础2005年(含答案)考研真题考研试题 》源自权威渠道,为历年考过(被使用过)的真题试卷,除标注有“回忆版”字样的试题外,其余均为原版扫描,权威可靠;回忆版试题由当年参加全国硕士、博士研究生入学考试考生回忆,内容完整。



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