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2004 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题
试题编号:318 试题名称:基础英语与写作
Ⅰ. Reading Comprehension (50 points)
真题 1(东南大学 2004 年研)Directions: Below each of the following passages, you will find
questions or incomplete statements about the passage. Each statement or question is
followed by lettered words or expressions. Select the word or expression that most
satisfactorily completes each statement or answers each question in accordance with the
meaning of the passage. On your answer sheet, blacken the letter A, B, C or D for the answer
you choose.
Passage 1
In the 1350s poor countrymen began to have cottages and gardens which they could call their
own. Were these fourteenth-century peasants, then, the originators of the cottage garden? Not
really: the making and planting of small mixed gardens had been pioneered by others, and the
cottager had at least two good examples which he could follow. His garden plants might and to
some extent did come from the surrounding countryside, but a great many came from the
monastery gardens. As to the general plan of the small garden, in so far as it had one at all, that
had its origin not in the country, but in the town.
The first gardens to be developed and planted by the owners or tenants of small houses, town
cottages as it were, were almost certainly those of the suburbs of the free cities of Italy and
Germany in the early Middle Ages. Thus the suburban garden, far from being a descendant of the
country cottage garden, is its ancestor; and older, in all probability, by about two centuries. On the
face of it a paradox, in fact this is really logical enough; it was in such towns that there first
emerged a class of man who was free and who, without being rich, owned his own small house: a
craftsman or tradesman protected by his guild from the great barons, and from the petty ones too.
Moreover, it was in the towns, rather than in the country, where the countryside provided herbs
and even wild vegetables, that men needed to cultivate pot-herbs and salads. It was also in the
towns that there existed a demand for market-garden produce.
London lagged well behind the Italian, Flemish, German and French free cities in this
bourgeois progress towards the freedom of having a garden; yet, as early as the thirteenth century,
well before the Black Death, Fitz Steven, biographer of Thomas a Becket, was writing that, in
London: „On all sides outside the houses of the citizens who dwell in the suburbs there are
adjoining gardens planted with trees, both spacious and pleasing to the sight‟.
Then there is the monastery garden, quoted often as a „source‟ of the cottage garden in
innumerable histories of gardening. The gardens of the great religious establishments of the eighth
and ninth centuries had two origins: St. Augustine, copying the Greek „academe‟ did his teaching
in a small garden presented to him for that purpose by a rich friend; thus the idea of a
garden-school, which began among the Greek philosophers, was carried on by the Christian
church. In the second place, since one of the charities undertaken by most religious orders was that
of healing, monasteries and nunneries needed a garden of medicinal herbs. Such physic gardens
were soon supplemented by vegetable, salad and fruit gardens in those monasteries which
enjoined upon their members the duty of raising their own food, or at least a part of it. They
tended next to develop, willy-nilly into flower gardens simply many of the herbaceous plants
说明:本站提供的《东南大学基础英语与写作2004年(含答案)考研真题考研试题 》源自权威渠道,为历年考过(被使用过)的真题试卷,除标注有“回忆版”字样的试题外,其余均为原版扫描,权威可靠;回忆版试题由当年参加全国硕士、博士研究生入学考试考生回忆,内容完整。



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