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·¢²¼Ê±¼ä£º2018-9-1 6:08:01
iffifirffit+ zot4+FiltffinHA+€jfrifr#( D ) # aifrf+H' (4iE) t 1a. ^ *n r> EZ"#.*@ffifitrn' * 7 F." AifrF'tlFltts} hEfr,ffiil t00h" z>ifr#trffiBil,trHffi€4E4 HWEXft€trffiI f!&trBfrfEDtnH" s) it+F Ht+t[trH$]€484aE'&€:ffiffit, +frffii#ffiffiE" I. Vocabularyand Structure(l0o/o)z Directions: Below each sentence, there are four words marked A, B, C, and D. Choosethe one that best completes the sentence. 1. GreatBritainusedto be calledempireon whichsunneversets.But its navalforcewasalmost _ duringtheattack. A. Annihilated B. prohibited c. diminished D. empowered 2. Withtechnologicalchanges,manytraditionalskillshavebecome A. isolated B. absolute C. obsolete D. obsessive 3. Lastyearaboothfor simultaneousinterpretationwasfinally setup - governmentaid. A. in aidof B. by virtueof c. in light of D. in respectof 4. Grain areto guaranteethe consumptionof nonagriculturalpopulationandto copewith seriousnaturaldisasters. A. savings B, storages C. stocks D. reserves 5. In WarTimes,manyweaknationswere- bythepowerfulones. A. monopolized B. absorbed C' combined D. engaged 6.These99pearsandjewelsarewortha lot of mone!,_and collectively. A. individually B. independently C. inespectively D. separately 7.Theboywasso_ in thegamethathedidn'tnoticehermotherstandingbehindhim. A. attracted B. suffocated c. immersed D. submerged 8.Only 5 minutesafterit took off, theaircraft downto earthfor the damagedengine. A. fluctuated B. vibrated C. plummeted D. mutated 9.Hewasconstraininghismindnotto - fromthelecture. A. wonder B. wander C' cruise D' travel 10.Janeis a girl with anartistic A. temperament B. temperature C. temperance D. tempera ll._ is CORRECTin grammar' A. BritaindoesnotagreeandneitherdoDenmark,PortugalandIreland. E*tr:EE ffitKt,, trT*it.,#l-)cl'fi ffirF.*7fr