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        发布时间:2018-9-1 7:11:22
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842 1 2 1
Part One: Translate the following into Chinese ( 60 points)
Judging from the scientists I know, and those whom I’ve read about, you can’t
pursue the laws of nature very long without bumping into beauty. “I don’t know if it’s
the same beauty you see in the sunset,” a friend tells me, “but it feels the same.” This
friend is a physicist, who has spent a long career deciphering what must be happening
in the interior of stars. He recalls for me this thrill on grasping for the first time
Dirac’s equations describing quantum mechanics, or those of Einstein
describing relativity. “They’re so beautiful,” he says, “you can see immediately they
have to be true. Or at least on the way toward truth.” I ask him what makes a theory
beautiful, and he replies, “Simplicity, symmetry, elegance, and power.”
It is time for the baby’s birthday party: a white cake, strawberry-marshmallow ice
cream, a bottle of champagne saved from another party. In the evening, after she has
gone to sleep, I kneel beside the crib and touch her face, where it is pressed against
the slats, with mine. She is an open and trusting child, unprepared for and
unaccustomed to the ambushes of family life, and perhaps it is just as well that I can
offer her little of that life. I would like to give her more. I would like to promise her
that she will grow up with a sense of her cousins and of rivers and of her
great-grandmother’s teacups, would like to pledge her a picnic on a river with fried
chicken and her hair uncombed, would like to give her home for her birthday, but we
live differently now and I can promise her nothing like that.
I desire urbanity. I believe this is the rarest quality in the world. Indeed, it
probably does not exist anywhere. A really urbane person — a mortal open-minded
and affable to conviction of his own shortcomings and errors, and unguided in
anything by irrational blind prejudices — could not but in a world of men and women
be regarded as a monster. We are all of us, as if by instinct, intolerant of that which is
unfamiliar: we resent its impudence, and very much the same principle which prompts
small boys to jeer at a straw-hat out of season induces their elders to send
missionaries to the heathen.
Part Two: Translate the following into English (40 points)
说明:本站提供的《2012年南京航空航天大学842翻译与写作英语考研真题硕士研究生入学考试试题 》源自权威渠道,为历年考过(被使用过)的真题试卷,除标注有“回忆版”字样的试题外,其余均为原版扫描,权威可靠;回忆版试题由当年参加全国硕士、博士研究生入学考试考生回忆,内容完整。



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