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发布时间:2018-9-1 7:12:50
第 1 页共 10 页 空军工程大学 2012 年硕士研究生入学试题 考试科目:英语(A 卷) 科目代码 283 说明:答题时必须答在配发的空白答题纸上,答题可不抄题,但必须写清 题号,写在试题上不给分; 考生不得在试题及试卷上做任何其它标记,否 则试卷作废,试题必须同试卷一起交回。 I. Choose the best answer to fill the following sentences. (0.5’X20) 1.________we go there by train or by ship makes no difference. The time and the fees are the same. A. which B. how C. whether D. why 2. In time we reached a stage ______ we had more young readers than old ones. A. where B. how C. who D. what 3. _______their final medical check, the astronauts boarded their spacecraft. A. received B. being received C. to receive D. having received 4. ________her emotion, she buried her face in her hands. A. controlled B. being controlled C. to control D. having controlled 5. We _________ the top of the mountain but for this awful weather. It rained all day. A. will reach B. would reach C. have reached D. would have reached 6. You can‟t complain of being lonely ______ you don‟t make any effort to meet people. A. until B. when C. once D. though 7.—Do you still go jogging every morning? —Yes, I can't think of a ______ way to start a day. A.better B.best C.worse D.worst 8."Drive-ins" have large parking lots ______ customers are served in their cars by waitresses. A.who B.when C.which D.where 9.I‟m tired out.I stayed up the whole night, ______ for my midterm math exam. A.studying B.to study C .to be studying D.studied 10.We've been looking at houses but haven' t found ______ we like yet. A.this B.that C.it D.one 11.—What are your plans for ______ future? —I always dream of future that I can spend all the time painting.