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发布时间:2018-9-1 7:14:32
第 1 页 共 7 页 空军工程大学 2011 年硕士研究生入学试题 考试科目:基础英语(A卷) 科目代码 682 说明:答题时必须答在配发的空白答题纸上,答题可不抄题,但必须写清题 号,写在试题上不给分; 考生不得在试题及试卷上做任何其它标记,否则试 卷作废,试题必须同试卷一起交回。 Ⅰ.Choose from the fourchoices the best one that can complete the statements. (30 points) (1) We arewritingtothe manager ____therepairs recentlycarried outatthe aboveaddress. A) with theexception of B) withthepurposeof C) withreferenceto D) with aview to (2) Although most dreams apparently happen __________, dream activity may be provoked by external influences. A) spontaneously B) simultaneously C) homogeneously D) instantaneously (3) He is holding a______position inthecompany andexpects tobepromotedsoon. A) subordinate B) succeeding C) successive D) subsequent (4) By _______computation, he estimated that the repairs on the house would cost him a thousand dollars. A) coarse B) rude C) rough D) crude (5) I couldsee that mywifewas ________having thatfur coat, whether I approved of it or not. A) intent on B) adequatefor C) short of D) deficient in (6) As an excellent shooter, Peter practised aimingatboth _______targets andmoving targets. A) stationary B) standing C) stable D) still (7) In American universities, classes are often arranged in more flexible _______ and many jobs