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发布时间:2018-9-1 7:23:46
综合知识 参考书目及考试大纲 一、 适用专业(领域):外国语言学及应用语言学 二、 参考书目: 1. 《英汉翻译教程》张培基、喻云根等编著,上海外语教育出版社,2008. 2. 《现代汉语(增订四版)》上、下册,黄伯荣、廖序东主编,高等教育出版社, 2007 年出版. 3. 《新编简明语言学教程》,戴炜栋主编,上海外语教育出版社,2002. 三、 基本题型及所占分值: SectionA: Linguistics (60 points) I. Translate the following linguistic terms into English. (5 points, 1 point each) II. Define FIVE of the following terms, giving examples if necessary. (10 points,2 points each ) III. Fill in each blank with a suitable term, with some of the initial letters given . (10 points, 1 point each) IV. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T for true and F for false. (15 points,1.5 points each ) V. Choose FIVE of the following questions to answer. (20 points,4 points each) Section B: Translation (60 points) I. Translate the following into Chinese (30 points) II. Translate the following into English. (30 points) Section C: Chinese 中文写作(30 points) 四、 知识考查范围: 1. 英语语言学基础知识; 2. 英汉双向翻译技巧及其实践; 3. 汉语基本知识及写作