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发布时间:2018-9-1 7:42:39
1 天津商业大学 2009 年研究生入学考试试题 专 业:外国语言学及应用语言学 课程名称:语言学及翻译(807) 共 5 页 第 1 页 说明:答案标明题号写在答题纸上,写在试题纸上的无效。 Linguistics (100 marks) I. Studying linguistics, we have come across a lot of technical terms, some of which are listed below. Please write out the most acceptable definitions for each of them. (10 %) a) language; b) diachronic study; c)assimilation; d)morpheme e)minimal pairs f) surface structure; g)implicature h)linguistic determinism; i)reference j) denotation II. Studying linguistics we have been acquainted with many linguists, some of whom are listed below. Write out a phrase that may best represent their contributions to linguistics. (10%) a) Noam Chomsky b) M. A. K. Halliday c) L. Bloomfield d) Ferdinand de Saussure e) H. P. Grice f) J. Firth g) William Labov h) D. Sperber & D. Wilson i) John Austin j) Dell Hymes III. Linguistics as a specified discipline has its own technical ways of operation. Try to fill the blanks to demonstrate your technical sense of linguistics. (15%) 1. Please give the corresponding sound segments according to the descriptions: voiceless bilabial stop: a)________ alveolar nasal: b)_________