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福建师范大学硕士生入学考试试卷 学科专业:比较文学与世界文学 英语语言文学 外国语言学及应用语言学 考试科目编号: 420 考试科目:写作与翻译(一) 考试日期:2006 年 1 月 15 日下午 考生请注意:本卷满分为 150 分,考试时间为 3 小时。 须在《答题纸》上作答,否则无效。 I.Translation(75 points) 1、 Put the following passage into Chinese:(35 points) It is a curiosity of our intellectual history that cognitive structures developed by the mind are generally regarded and studied very differently from physical structures developed by the body.There is no reason why a neutral scientist ,unencumbered by traditional doctrine, should adopt this view.Rather,he would,or should,approach cognitive structures such as human language more or less as he would investigate an organ such as the eye or heart,seeking to determine:its character in a particular individual;its general properties,invariant across the species apart from gross defect;its place in a system of such structures; the course of its development in the individual ; the genetically determined basis for this development;the factors that gave rise to this mental organ in the course of evolution.The expectation that construction of sensorimotor intelligence determine the character of a mental organ such as language seems to me hardly more plausible than a proposal that the fundamental properties of the eye or the heart develop on this basis.Furthermore,when we turn to specific properties of this mental organ ,we find little justification for any such belief ,so far as I can see. I will not attempt a detailed argument here,but will merely sketch the kind of reasoning that leads me to the conclusions just expressed。 2、 Put the following passage into English:(40 points) 在十九世纪,由于欧洲在技术上面有了进一步的发展,这些文明地区相 继沦为欧洲的殖民地,或至少是半殖民地。东方研究原本发端于教会,现在 它成了一种更具有世俗色彩的活动,并最终进入大学,在不断演进的学科结 构中赢得了一席之地。事实上,在东方研究被制度化以前,对古代地中海世 界的研究也已经被制度化了,出现了一门在英语中称为 classic(古典学) 的学科,专门研究欧洲自身的古代。古典学也是研究一种不同于现代欧洲的 文明形式,不过人们并不把它与东方研究同等看待。相反,按照当时人们的 看法,古典学展示了那些被确定为现代欧洲人祖先的民族的历史,完全不同 于譬如说对古代埃及的研究。古代文明被解释为一个单一、连续的发展过程 的早期阶段,它发展到顶点,便产出了现代“西方”文明。它被看成是一部 单篇英雄故事的一章:先是古代;随后是野蛮人的征服,通过教会确保了连 续性;然后是文艺复兴,希腊—罗马的遗产被重新吸收进来;最后是现代世