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2011 年硕士研究生招生入学考试试题 A 科目代码及名称: 617 英语基础 适用专业:英语语言文学 (请考生在答题纸上答题,在此试题纸上答题无效) A 卷 Part I Blank-filling: 10% Read the letter to the editor and fill in each blank with an appropriate word. Baltimore’s Schools: The Teacher Unions’ View Published: December 3, 2010 To the Editor: “A Mission to Transform a City’s Beaten Schools” (news article, Dec. 2) accurately portrays a school system that has made tremendous 1 for its students and community. Test scores were already rising 2 Dr. Andres Alonso’s arrival in Baltimore in 2007, but he should be commended for his vision and accomplishments in 3 Baltimore’s schools. But smart, successful reform in Baltimore or anywhere else doesn’t happen without the input and participation of the system’s teachers and their union. Dr. Alonso partnered with the community and the Baltimore Teachers Union to achieve sweeping, even groundbreaking 4 . This collaboration culminated last month in a contract that meshes unique reforms with school improvement 5 that are working in other districts. For instance, the contract replaces the conventional seniority system with a new career pathway that 6 educators to determine the pace of their career advancement and associated salary increases. It also establishes a 7 of collaboration and shared leadership. Such a contract could not have been 8 if not for the respectful, cooperative labor-management relationship — which ensures that everyone is rowing in the same direction. Even when 9 were stumbles — such as when the parties had to renegotiate after B.T.U. members rejected the first tentative agreement — no one resorted to finger-pointing or harsh words; there was just a mutual 10 to make necessary changes quickly and move forward for the sake of the students. Other school systems that need to be transformed might consider looking at Baltimore’s example for what works and what could be replicated. Marietta English Randi Weingarten Washington, Dec. 2, 2010 第 1 页,共 8 页