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发布时间:2018-9-1 7:57:42
2014 年硕士研究生招生入学考试试题(A) 科目代码及名称: 820 英语语言学 适用专业:英语语言文学 01,03 方向考生 (请考生在答题纸上答题,在此试题纸上答题无效) I. Define the following terms. (25 分) 1. design features; 2. allophone; 3. morpheme; 4. subordination; 5. construal II. Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. If it is true, write A on the answer sheet; if it is false, write B on it. (20 分) 1. Langue is the concrete utterances of a speaker, while parole is the language system shared by a “speech community”. 2. Cardinal vowels are a set of actual vowels intended to provide a frame of reference for the description of other vowels. 3. While Chinese is an intonation language, English is a tone language. 4. In the word friendship, friend is a root, but not a stem. 5. The type of word-formation where the word televise is derived from television by deleting the suffix -sion is called back-formation. 6. When varieties of language are classified in terms of their users, they are called registers. 7. According to the notions of construction and constituent, the largest construction in a language is text. 8. The word PREDICATOR is suggested for verb or verbs included in a predicate. 9. The verb understand is constative. 10. William Labov is a famous psycholinguist. 11. Relevance theory was first proposed by Stephen Levinson in his book Relevance: Communication and Cognition in 1986. 12. Metalanguage refers to a language used for talking about or describing another language. 13. Hyponymy is the name for oppositeness relation, which includes three main sub-types. 14. By arbitrariness, we mean the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to their meaning. 15. All the words in a language have senses, but only some can be used to refer to. 16. According to Lakoff and Johnson, “His hope began to balloon quickly” represents a ontological metaphor. 17. A popular term in Stylistics, backgrounding, defined by Leech and Short as “artistically motivated deviation” involves all levels of language: vocabulary, sound, syntax, meaning, graphology, and so on. 18. Poetry can exploit the way we use stress when we speak to create rhythms. When stress is organized to form regular rhythms, the term used for it is meter. 19. The English sentence If only I could fly! is in imperative mood. 20. Radar is an example of blending. III. Answer the following questions. (30 分) 第 1 页,共 2 页