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        发布时间:2018-9-1 9:35:17
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宁波大学 2016 年攻读硕士学位研究生
入 学 考 试 试 题(B 卷) (答案必须写在答题纸上)
考试科目: 英语(二外) 科目代码: 244
适用专业: 日语语言文学
第 1 页 共 6 页
Part I: Cloze Test (30%)
Section A
Directions: Read the passage carefully, fill in each blank with an appropriate word given below and put your
choice in the ANSWER SHEET. (20%)
which between educators big another
such debate foreigners peers obedient
that or assessment heated Western
advocating contrast while established visits
A recent BBC documentary, which filmed an experiment in which five Chinese teachers taught 50
students according to Chinese-style education norms at a school in the United Kingdom, has sparked a
__1 online debate on whether Chinese or Western methods are better. But 2 a debate is not new,
despite the talk of a cultural clash.
The West has for long promoted small classes 3 focus on students' individuality and
differences, emphasize student-teacher interactions and attach great importance to cultivating students'
independence, creativity and ability to communicate. In 4 , classes in China are 5 (that is,
they have many students), in which teachers are the center, and emphasize uniformity, discipline and
teachers' authority. Chinese teaching methods focus on students' diligence, obedience and (for want of a
better term) ability to imitate.
The latest online 6 has again raised the question: Which teaching method is better, the
Chinese or the Western? For long, most Chinese people and 7 have taken it for granted that the
Western education model is superior to the Chinese.
But with the rise of China, especially after Shanghai students' excellent performance in the Program
for International Student Assessment over the past years, Western governments and 8 have
become less certain about the efficacy of their teaching methods. The fact that students nurtured under
the Chinese education model can be equal to or better than their Western 9 has highlighted the
advantages of the China's education model. In particular, the British secretary of education's visit to
China to review the Chinese teaching methods and some Chinese teachers' 10 to the UK to provide
"educational aid" seem to be a shot in the arm for the Chinese education model.
Many Chinese now believe China's basic education system lays a more solid foundation for
students compared with its 11 counterparts. The main reason for 12 is most of the Chinese
students who go to Western countries for higher education perform excellently despite having to follow
Western curricula, 13 Western students usually find it difficult to cope with China's teaching
Media reports say the BBC will use a third party to assess how competent students traveling either
way are in mathematics, science, English and Chinese before determining which education model is
more useful for students, the Chinese 14 the Western. But such comparison and 15 are
A country uses a teaching method only as a tool used to realize a specific social purpose, and thus
comparisons 16 the Chinese and Western education models are uncalled for. Before comparing
one education model with 17 , researchers and analysts should consider the different functions
different teaching methods are supposed to perform in their respective social context.
China's education model is more suited to its social demands; the same applies to the Western
model. Despite the Chinese government 18 the cultivation of creative talents, many Chinese still
说明:本站提供的《2016年宁波大学244英语二外考研真题考研试题 》源自权威渠道,为历年考过(被使用过)的真题试卷,除标注有“回忆版”字样的试题外,其余均为原版扫描,权威可靠;回忆版试题由当年参加全国硕士、博士研究生入学考试考生回忆,内容完整。



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