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发布时间:2018-9-1 9:37:40
- 1 - 湖南师范大学硕士研究生入学考试自命题考试大纲 考试科目代码:[加试] 考试科目名称:专业英语 一、考试形式与试卷结构 1)试卷成绩及考试时间 本试卷满分为 100 分,考试时间为 180 分钟。 2)答题方式 答题方式为闭卷、笔试。 3)试卷内容结构 各部分内容所占分值为: Tourism overview 约 20 分 How tourism is organized 约 20 分 Understanding travel behavior 约 20 分 Tourism supply,demand,policy,planning and development 约 20 分 Essentials of tourism research and marketing 约 20 分 4)题型结构 阅读理解题:15 小题,每小题 2 分,共 30 分 名词解释题:4 小题,每小题 3 分,共 12 分 英译汉:4 小题,每小题 6 分,共 24 分 简答题:3 小题,每小题 6 分,共 18 分 论述题:2 小题,每小题 8 分,共 16 分 二、考试内容与考试要求 考试目标: 1、考察考生的英语综合运用能力。 - 2 - 2、了解学生的旅游专业知识如旅游的基本原理、旅游业组织架构、旅游者 行为、旅游供应规划与政策和发展,旅游研究和市场营销的基本方法等。 3、测试学生运用旅游学基本理论和地理人文思想分析和解决旅游业现实问 题的能力。 考试内容: 一、Tourism in Perspective (一)Understand what tourism is and its many definitions. (二)Learn the components of tourism and tourism management. (三)Examine the various approaches to studying tourism and determine which is of greatest interest to you. (四)Appreciate how important this industry is to the economy of the world and of many countries. (五)Know the benefits and costs of tourism. 二、Hospitality and Related Service (一) Study the lodging industry, its ancient origins, its associations, names of leading companies, and its vital role in the economy. (二) Appreciate the immensity of the restaurant food service industry. (三) Learn the current trends in resorts and timesharing modes of operation. (四) Discover why meetings and conventions, as well as meeting planners, are so important to tourism. 三、Organizations in the Distribution Process (一)Become familiar with tourism distribution system organizations and their functions. (二)Understand the role of travel agents and their dominance in the distribution system. (三)Consider the growing impact of the Internet on the distribution