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2005 年硕士研究生入学考试
I. 将下列短文译成汉语 (25 分)
While assembling a new national security team,President George W. Bush is confronting what
could become the biggest challenge of his second term:how to contain Iran’s nuclear program and
what Americans believe is its support of violence in Israel and insurgents in Iraq.
In an eerie repetition of the prelude to the Iraq,hawks in the administration and congress are
trumpeting ominous disclosures about Iran’s nuclear capacities to make the case that Iran is a
threat that must be confronted,either by economic sanctions. military action,or regime change
But Britain,France and Germany are urging diplomacy,placing their hopes in a deal
brokered by the Europeans in the past week ill which Iran agreed to suspend its uranium.
enrichment program in return for discussions about future economic benefits
Secretary of State Colin Powell thrust himself into the debate on Wednesday by commenting
to reporters while on the way to Chile that flesh intelligence showed that Iran was “actively
working” on a program to enable its missiles to carry nuclear bombs. a development he said
“should be of concern to all parties.”
The disclosures alluded to by Powell were seen by hard—liners in the administration as
another sign of Iranian perfidy,and by Europeans as nothing new Although Powell has praised the
negotiations between the Europeans and Iran,an administration official said there was “a steady
tightening of outlook between hawks and doves” that Iran will use the negotiations as a pretext to
continue its nuclear program in secret.
II.将下列文章译成汉语(50 分)
The Patent Clerk’s Legacy
Albert Einstein looms over 20th-century physics as its defining,emblematic figure His work
altered forever the way we view the natural world.” Newton,please forgive me,” Einstein begged
as relativity theory wholly obliterated the absolutes of time and space that the reigning arbiter of
all things physical had embraced more than two centuries earlier.
With little more to show than a rejected doctoral thesis from a few years before,this
26.-year-old patent clerk,who practiced physics in his spare time and on the sly at work,declared
brashly that the physicists of his day were” out of [their] depth” and went on to prove it. Besides
special and general relativity,his work helped to launch quantum mechanics and modem statistical
mechanics. Chemistry and biotechnology owe a debt to studies by Einstein that supplied evidence
of the existence of molecules and the ways they behave.
What is even more amazing is that he purveyed many of these insights through a series of
papers that appeared during a single miraculous year,1905.No other comparably fertile period for
individual scientific accomplishment can be found except during 1665 and 1666,when Isaac
Newton,confined to his country home to escape the plague,started to lay the basis for the
calculus,his law of gravitation and his theory of colors The international physics community has
set aside 2005 as the World Year of Physics as a tribute to Einstein’s centennial
Scientists in many realms of physics and engineering spent the 20th century testing,realizing
and applying the ideas falling out of Einstein’s work. As everybody knows,Einstein’s E=mc2
formula was a key to the atomic bomb—and all the history that sprang from it. Einstein’s
explanation of the photoelectric effect underpinned technologies ranging from photodiodes to
说明:本站提供的《北京外国语大学英汉同声传译2005年考研真题(含试题答案)考研试题硕士研究生入学考试试题 》源自权威渠道,为历年考过(被使用过)的真题试卷,除标注有“回忆版”字样的试题外,其余均为原版扫描,权威可靠;回忆版试题由当年参加全国硕士、博士研究生入学考试考生回忆,内容完整。



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