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发布时间:2018-9-1 10:29:51
ffiirrH*+ 2arc++Eilfi'fi*ffif;t+fifififi#(A)# €ttFlEl: 850 I+wA-FilF ,BiI, (150r)) *,itFIlEl,3/$Ff 1.*$TAJ4XF&+I , #*lVt&F#ffnA*fii.Y.u(ffi* s0rl,wia +s,}-tt+ 75tt) Do youthink I canstayto becomenothingto you?Do youthink I amanautomaton?- a machinewithoutfeelings?andcanbearto havemy morselof breadsnatchedform my lips,and my dropof livingwaterdashedfrommycup?Doyouthink,becauseI arnpoor,obscure, plain, andlittle,I amsoullessandheartless?Youthinkwrong!- I haveasmuchsoulasyou- andfull asmuchheart!And if Godhadgiftedmewith somebeauQandmuchwealth,I shouldhavemade it ashardtbr you to leaveme,asit is norryfor meto leaveyou. I amnot talking to you now throughthe mediumof custom,conventionalities,nor evenof mortalflesh:it is my spirit that addressyour spirit;just asif both hadpassedthroughthe grave,andwe stoodat God'sfeet, equal-as weare! 2.KT4J4AFfi+I, *xtvw.fra'fixEAfffti*&(ffi*rorl,wtr 45lr,t*if?5rl) The beginnings of the realist narrative style can be attributed to Frenoh novelist and playwright Honord de Batzac. His portraits of ordinary French life were remarkable in their careful attention to details. Balzac reportedly consulted with associatesin order to leam more about specific subjects,so as to portray them in their fullness. He expressedthe idea that characters come to life through the painstaking accumulation of environmental details' His methodologywas a departurefrom the Rontantichadition which was neaxits zenith when he was crafting his stories. Balznc also put enofinous emphasison the settings of his stories' Whether urban or provincial, the locale almost becomesa characterof its own. His most famous work, which wasleft unfinished, was TheHwnan Comedy,an assorftnentof interwoven talesandnovels which depict life in early nineteenth century Franc.e.The effect of the narrative buildup tn The Hwnan Cornedyis the realization of anepic that is morethanthe sumof its parts.Like the realists who would follow in his footsteps,Balzac did not rely on profound or speotaculareventsto move his stories along. Instead, he paid attention to the small things, the nuancesthat made up ttrc experienceoftypical Frenchlife. ffi rtE.(A 1 F)