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·¢²¼Ê±¼ä£º2018-9-1 10:30:26
ttrirrffit+ 20r4+6fr+ffifi4^+Aifrfi#(A)t €ifrf+El, 820/ffUi+SE|F ,H.i|' rsoh Part One. Translation(80A/150): €ifrEflnl, 34'Ff 1. Translatethe Following English into Chinese(20 tl)l In his introduction,JohnHookhamFrerehadalreadysketchedthetwo mutuallyincompatible strategiesavailableto translatorsgrappingwith theseproblems.The first archetypeis that of the "faithful translator"who rendersinto English all the conversationalphrasesaccordingto their grammaticaland logical form, without any referenceto the currentusagewhich had affixed to them an arbitrary senseand appropriatedthem to a particularand definite purpose.He retains scrupulouslyall the local andpersonalpeculiarities,andin the mostrapid andtransientallusions thinks it his du! to arrest the attention of the readerwith a tedious explanatorynote. The archetypaltranslatorjust describedtendsto beconservativein ideologicalterms.He translatesthe way he doesout of reverencefor the culturalprestigethe original hasacquired.The greaterthat prestige,themore"grammaticalandlogical" thetranslationis likely to be. 2.Translatethe Followinginto English(20/)): =+ )LffJz,ifiiR, f 3tJFflF)L, FflF)Lfi[+q*Fq,,\xEv)K.F.tIEt)h,'A'[I . i/LiX.fr6.,ff f......fAiff7t, MftEf; itLiUHRFi$H,HjR*H, f,ta4%fW., hARf'lF,f ieffff ,RE,,lsffiA#.. .... dii€+E*1x,w, = €ifr&86fi "+ttr'J4*4i$rE "" LTl -+)LV6tftW^ffiIsT1fixt#, iriFtTAf-zffi,ffiUr}.^ *t/crtWfr+" X^rfr.E, ff*{$l*, AA frtE*l.ia *ifr*, Ifr.lffrihT'rF,*,+. ^sffr, tE€hT'RWL, ili FeiAAEEg. Eigfnfl#'lfT ?4i$. trJ'ffl.trIffr'trIfit ff/al*|H, ft/a$lil' |t/z ffi,L,*H, -tU.ru*rEI H'ffid.Hfiil+&,&WV'W+X*1€--l)t|JIl, WZr.ffi.E-" 3. Translatethe FollowingBusinessEnglishinto Chinese(20h): The compositionof foreign exchangereservesis presentlyregardedas a statesecretin the People'sRepublicof China.All financialrecordspertainingto the foreignexchangereservehave beenpoorly documented.The official sourceselaboratethat US dollar holdingsmakeup 60% of the reserve,and that a fifth of the reserveis held in FannieMae and FreddieMac bonds.The reportsfrom the Bank for IntemationalSettlements,releasedby Reuters,reportedthat the US currency representsmost of the settlementsof China's international trade. An unofficial spokespersonconsideredthattheUS dollar assetaccountsrepresent70o/oofthe reserve. Therearesomehistoricalandintemationalfinancereasonslying behindthis composition: Firstly, the bond issuer'seconomyshouid be domesticprimarily. Even though US transaction makeup a largeproportionin internationaltrade,comparedwith its hugedomesticGDR it is still a smallpart of the global trade.Measuredwith othercountries,US tradeis not ashigh asthat of Japan,Germanyand Switzerlandrespectively.Thoselattercountriesrely heavily on international trade,thus their currencyvalue easilyfluctuatesin grossproportionalongwith the intemational flow of capital. Secondly,historicallythe US Dollar hasbeenusedasmeansof payment,an intermediaryof i?&8ffi#,t6ff , Ea4ifr# Lfrit ffirm*3F