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101、Scientists have acknowledged that to interpret an animal's thought processes in a sound manner requires a heavy dose of ______ from our own mental patterns, which we access introspectively.(北航2012年)

  1. estimation
  2. calculation
  3. skepticism
  4. inference


解析:Scientists have acknowledged that interpret an animal's thought processed in a sound manner requires a heavy dose of()from our own mental patterns,which we access introspectively.C项的skepticism(怀疑)符合题意,即科学家开始承认,在一个比较好的方式听懂动物的思维过程,需要人们的怀疑,反之亦然,A项的estimation(估计),B项的calculation(计算),D项的inference(推理、推断)均不符合题意。


102、The colonialists managed to wipe out the entire _______ population.(北航2012年)

  1. Aboriginal
  2. original
  3. large
  4. regional


解析:The colonialists managed to wipe out the entire()population,A项的aboriginal(土著的)符合题意,即他们终于把那些土著人全部消灭了。B项的original(原本的),C项的large(大的),D项的regional(地区的)均不符合题意。


103、As has always been the case when hagedy has struck our community, the people of our town feel the obligation, and rightly so, to ______ in support of the victim and his family.(北航2012年)

  1. Entrench
  2. rally
  3. disseminate
  4. apologize


解析:As has always been the case when tragedy has struck our community,the people of our town feel the obligation,and rightly so,to()in support of the victim and his family,B项的rally(集会)符合题意,即当悲剧发生在我们社区使,居民们总是很有义务感,通过集会的方式声援受难者及其家庭。A项的entrench(巩固、加强),C项的disseminate(传播),D项的apologize(道歉)均不符合题意。


104、Mr. Smith became very _______ when it was suggested that he had made a mistake.(北航2012年)

  1. Ingenious
  2. empirical
  3. objective
  4. indignant


解析:Mr.Smith became very()when it was suggested that he had made a mistake,D项indignant(愤怒的)符合题意,即当史密斯先生被指出犯了错误的时候,非常愤怒。A项的聪明的、有独创性的,B项的经验主义的,C项的客观的,均不符合题意。


105、It can not be denied that the existing resources on earth will be depleted, but scientists are ______ to concede the inevitability of that day, realizing that new energies can be found in the near future.(北航2012年)

  1. Bound
  2. unprepared
  3. hesitant
  4. likely


解析:It can not be denied that the existing resources on earth will be depleted,but scientists are()to concede the inevitability of that day,realizing that new energies can be found in the near future。A项的bound(大胆的)符合题意,即不可否认的是,地球上现存的资源终有被耗竭的一天,但是科学家仍然大胆地承认这天并非不可避免,因为未来会有新的能源出现。B项的没有做好准备的,C项的犹豫的,D项的可能的,均不符合题意。


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