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 2018 考博英语词汇 语法题练习(一)

考博英语 词汇语法题是各博士招生院校常考题型之一,考博信息网|http://www.kaoboinfo.com教育考博频道整理了考博英语词汇语法题练习供考博生们参考练习。


1. It was requested that all of the equipment ____in the agreed time.

A. erected B. would be erected C. be erected D. will be erected

2. The man sitting opposite me smiled dreamily, as if ____ something pleasant in the past.

A. to remember B. remembered

C. having been remembered D. remembering

3. I ____ him the Christmas gift by mail because he came home during the Christmas holidays.

A. ought to have sent B. couldn’t have sent

C. must have sent D. needn’t have sent

4. It turned out that the children were not ____ for the accident.

A. to blame B. to be blamed C. to be blaming D. to have been blamed

5. The desegregation was achieved through a number of struggles, ____been mentioned in previous chapters.

A. a few of which B. a few of them C. a few of those D. a few of that

6. Setting up a committee might be a way ____ the project more efficiently

A. to be doing B. doing C. to do D. being done

7. It ____ to see so many children in that mountainous area cannot even afford elementary education.

A. pains her B. makes her pain C. is paining D. is pained

8. Our boss, Mr. Thompson, ____ a raise in salary for ages, but nothing has happened yet.

A. was promising B. has been promising C. promised D. has promised

9. He was determined to sail around the world ____ his illness and old age.

A. given B. although C. despite D. in spite

10. The board deemed it’s urgent that these invitations ____first thing tomorrow morning.

A. had to be put in the mail B. must be put in the mail

C. be put in the mail D. should have been put in the mail

11. ____ drills that have no real topic have to remain as they are.

A. Manufacture B. Manipulative C. Manipulate D.Manifest

12. This book has been in the works so long that I have lost ____ of most of the sources found for me by the staff of the library.

A. trace B. trail C. Track D. touch

13. The elbows on your coat have worn thin, so I must ____ them.

A. mend B. patch C. repair D. pitch

14. ____ and wage increases have not kept in step.

A. Production B. Product C. Produce D. Productivity

15. People under stress have performed ____ feats of strength, like lifting an automobile off an accident victim.

A. specific B. extraordinary C. abrupt D. abnormal

16. Modern appliances ____ us from a good deal of household work. For instance, the dryer frees us from hanging the laundry.

A. escape B . benefit C. liberate D. comfort

17. The audience waited in ____ silence while their aged speaker searched among his note for the figures he could not remember.

A. respective B. respect C. respectful D. respectable

18. The disappearance of her paper has never been ____.

A. counted for B. looked up C. accounted for D. checked up

19. When he was asked about the missing briefcase, the man ____ever seeing it.

A. refused B. denied C. opposed D. resisted

20. Communication between a young couple is a(n) ____business.

A. sharp B. dreadful C. intense D. delicate

21. After so many weeks without rain, the ground quickly ____the little rain that fell last night.

A. skipped B. soaked C. retrieved D. absorbed

22. We’ll ____ you as soon as we have any further information.

A. notify B. signify C. communicate D. impart

23. The fox fell into the ____ the hunters had set for it.

A. bush B. trap C. trick D. circle

24. I don’t know you want to keep the letter. I’ve ____ it up.

A. torn B. given C. broken D. disposed

25. The old lady ____ and fell from the top of the stairs to the bottom.

A. slided B. slipped C. split D. spilled


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