2017 考博英语 阅读题源经济学人文章每日精析(八十一)
Polishing the floor
Supervisors put off finalising reforms to bank-capital rules
Disagreement over revisions to Basel 3 cause delay
Jan 7th 2017
SOME banks find existing capital requirements too taxing. To no one’s surprise, on December 23rd Monte dei Paschi di Siena, at present Italy’s fourth-biggest bank, asked the Italian state for help, having failed to raise from the private sector €5bn ($5.2bn) in capital demanded by the European Central Bank before the year’s end. Three days later Monte dei Paschi said that the ECB had redone its sums—and concluded that the stricken lender faced an even bigger shortfall, of €8.8bn.
Taxing ['tæksɪŋ] : 费力的,繁重的
Redo [riː'duː] :重做
Striken ['strɪk(ə)n]:adj.受灾的; 被打击的; 受挫的; 患病的
Shortfall ['ʃɔːtfɔːl] :差额,缺少
Plenty of other European banks—in far better nick than poor old Monte dei Paschi, which is overloaded with bad loans—are grumbling that they too may eventually have to find more capital. They have spent years plumping up cushions that the financial crisis showed to be worryingly thin, but fear that proposed adjustments to Basel 3, the latest global standards, will require more. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, which draws up the standards, had hoped to agree on the revisions by the end of 2016. It’s not there yet: on January 3rd an imminent meeting of central-bank governors and supervisors, to approve the changes, was postponed.
Plump up [plʌmp] :变丰满,使鼓起
Imminent ['ɪmɪnənt]:adj. 迫在眉睫; (通常指不愉快的事) 即将发生的; 迫切的,危急的; 逼近的;
The amendments are intended to reduce the variation in banks’ own calculations of risk-weighted assets (RWAs), largely by restricting their use of in-house models. Under Basel rules, the ratio of a bank’s equity to its RWAs are a key gauge of its strength: if lenders are too sanguine about risk, their estimated RWAs will be too low and their reported capital ratios misleadingly high.
Risk-weighted asset:风险加权资产
Gauge [geɪdʒ]:评估; 测量的标准或范围; 尺度,标准; 测量仪器;
sanguine ['sæŋgwɪn]:adj. 乐观的,充满希望的; 面色红润的; 血红色的;
The main obstacle to an agreement is the committee’s proposal of an “output floor”—a lower bound for banks’ RWAs—calculated as a percentage of the figure churned out by a “standardised” method. (读者试译句)The higher the percentage, the tighter the standard: a first version of the proposals suggested 60-90%; a failed compromise last month proposed gradually raising it to 75% over four years, starting in 2021.
American officials like the floor, believing that it limits banks’ ability to play games with the rules. European banks and officials don’t. Both the Association of German Banks and the Bundesbank, for example, want no floor at all. They argue that internal models make capital calculations more, not less, sensitive to risk.