2017 考博英语 阅读题源经济学人文章每日精析(七十八)
De Nova Stella
A “new” star should appear in 2022
A tale of scientific serendipity
Jan 14th 2017
X marks the spot
AMATEUR astronomers have a new date for their diaries. In 2022, in the constellation of Cygnus, they will be treated to the sight of a nova, or “new star”. By themselves, novas are not particularlynoteworthy. Several dozen a year happen in Earth’s home galaxy, the Milky Way, alone. But this one will be special for two reasons.
constellation:n. 星系,星座
cygnus:n. 天鹅座
nova:n. 新星
noteworthy:adj. 值得注意的,显著的
One is its intensity: provided you are somewhere reasonably dark (in the countryside, in other words, rather than a big city) it will be bright enough to be seen by the naked eye. The second is that it will be the first nova whose existence was predicted before the fact. Assuming everything goes according to schedule, the credit for that will belong to Lawrence Molnar, an astronomer at Calvin College, in Michigan, and his team, who have set out their predictions in a paper to be published soon in theAstrophysical Journal.
第一个原因在于它的亮度:假若你在某些相当黑暗的地方(换言之,在乡村而不是大城市),那么以肉眼就能清楚地看见它;第二个原因在于它将是第一个被观测到之前就被预测存在的新星。一切顺利的话,这一成绩将属于密歇根州卡尔文学院的天文学家Lawrence Molnar以及其团队,该团队预测性的文章不久后将要在天体物理学日报中发表。
provided:conj. 假如,倘若
It is a tale of scientific serendipity.” Nova ”, which is Latin for “ new ”, comes from the title of a book (also the title of this article) published in 1573 by Tycho Brahe, a Danish astronomer. This recorded what would now be called a supernova that had happened the year before.By proving that the “ new star ” in question was a very great distance away—at the least, further than the Moon—Brahe dealt a mortalblow to the Aristotelian belief, widespread in Europe at the time, that the heavens were perfect and unchanging.
这是科学探索过程中的一次意外惊喜。“Nova”一词在拉丁语中意为“新生的”,这个词在1573年,丹麦天文学家第谷•布拉赫(Tycho Brahe)撰写的书中首次(同时也在其书名中)出现。在书中,布拉赫对一颗在一年之前(1572年)爆发的“新星”(目前来看,称为超新星更加准确)进行了记述。布拉赫论述证明了这颗有待商榷的“新星”其实距离地球非常遥远,至少比月球与地球的距离要远得多。这一观点对当时主流的亚里士多德学派造成了毁灭性的打击,因为在16世纪的欧洲,人们普遍认为天宇是完美无缺、永恒不变的。
serendipity: n.意外发现珍奇事物的才能; 意外新发现; 巧事; 机缘凑巧;
mortal: adj. 致命的; 终有一死的; 极度的;
But the name is a misnomer. Novas are not new stars. Rather, they are explosions that take place on existing ones, drastically but temporarily increasing their brightness. There are several kinds, but Dr Molnar’ s nova will be caused when one member of a two-star system collides with the other, causing an enormous and violent outpouring of energy.
misnomer: n. 使用不当的名字或名称;
collide: vi.碰撞; 相撞; 冲突; 抵触
Dr Molnar’ s interest was piqued at a conference in 2013, when Karen Kinemuchi, another astronomer, presented some puzzling findings on a particular star seen by Kepler, a space telescope designed chiefly to hunt for exoplanets. When Dr Molnar and his team observed the star—named KIC9832227—they discovered that it was a “ contact binary ”, a pair of stars so close together that the smaller orbits within the atmosphere of the larger.
Molnar博士的兴趣源于2013年的一次会议,当时一位叫做Karen Kinemuchi的天文学家提出,她通过专门观测系外行星的太空望远镜——开普勒发现了在一个特殊的恒星系统中有一些难以解释的现象。当Molnar博士和他的团队观察这个被命名为KIC9832227的恒星系统时,他们发现这是一对“相接双星”,即一对靠的很近的恒星,小恒星的轨道在大恒星的气体外壳中。
piqued : v. 激起好奇心
exoplanet:n. 太阳系外行星
They also found that the smaller star was orbiting more quickly—and thus closer to its bigger companion—than it had been when Dr Kinemuchi made her measurements. Further observations confirmed that the smaller star was indeed spiralling towards its companion. Based on observations of another contact binary, V1309 Scorpii, which became a nova in 2008, the researchers were able to offer a prediction of the time of impact that, they hope, should be accurate to within about seven months. (The most likely date is a fifth of the way through 2022—ie, mid-March.)
spiral : v. 使成螺旋形; 螺旋式的上升(或下降盘旋上升(或下降)
Successfully predicting a nova will be of interest to more than just amateur skywatchers. Astronomers have built mathematical models to describe what happens during such events, but testing them against reality is hard. All previous novas have been detected after the fact. Anyone wanting to study what happens before the explosion must therefore sift back through old observations, hoping that some information about the pre-nova star will have been recorded by chance. Armed with Dr Molnar’ s prediction, though, astronomers will be able to watch the build-up as well as the denouement.
denouement::n. (戏剧、小说等的) 结局;