2017 考博英语 阅读题源经济学人文章每日精析(六十五)
Egypt’s Nubians埃及的努比亚人
Let them go home 带他们回家
The Nubians have given much to Egypt. Time for the country to give back努比亚人为埃及做了很多贡献,埃及是时候来回馈他们了
Sep 17th 2016 | ASWAN | From the print edition 2016年9月17日/阿斯旺/来自印刷版
FROM a boat on the reservoir between Egypt’s high and low dams in Aswan, a local Nubian man called Haj Omar points to where the ancient temple of Philae used to be. After the low dam was completed in 1902, the site was often flooded, so in the 1960s the temple was moved, piece by piece, to higher ground some 500 metres downriver. Mr Omar then points down, towards his grandfather’s house—it was not moved and is now underwater.在阿斯旺高低坝中间的水库上有一条小船,船上有个一个当地努比亚人叫做哈吉,奥马,他为我们指出了以前的菲莱庙所在地。他告诉我们。自从1902年低坝建成后,这里就常常被洪水侵袭,因此在60年代神庙开始一点一点地搬迁到距离下游500米的高处。奥马先生随后告诉我们,他祖父的房子一直没有搬迁而且也没有被洪水淹没。
The Nubian people are descended from an ancient African civilisation that once ruled a large empire, including all of Egypt for a brief period. For thousands of years they have lived on the banks of the Nile river, from southern Egypt to northern Sudan. Christianity penetrated the region in the 4th century, but most Nubians converted to Islam in the 15th and 16th centuries, as they came under the sway of Arab powers. When Sudan seceded from Egypt in 1956, the Nubian community was split between the two countries.曾有一种古非洲文明一度统治了包括埃及地区在内的巨大王国,努比亚人就继承了这种文明。上千年过去,他们居住范围从尼罗河畔的印度南部一直延伸到苏丹北部。(读者试译。)苏丹脱离后,努比亚从此分裂成两个区域。
Despite efforts to save Nubian monuments, much of this rich history was washed away by the construction of a series of dams, culminating with the Aswan high dam in 1970. Most of the Nubian homeland now sits under the reservoir called Lake Nasser. Tens of thousands of Nubians were forcibly resettled. Ever since then they have been marginalised politically, socially and economically, says Maja Janmyr of the University of Bergen.尽管努比亚人正在努力保存他们的文化,但从1970年阿斯旺高坝建成以来,还是有很多历史文化随着一系列堤坝的建造而消失。现如今大多数坐落在水库下游的努比亚人家园被称为尼采湖。上万努比亚人被迫迁居。卑尔根大学的麦加、杰迈尔说:从那时到现在,努比亚人已被政治,经济,社会排挤到边缘地带。
In the mid-1960s some 50,000 Nubians were resettled around Kom Ombo, about 50km (30 miles) north of Aswan and some 25km away from the Nile. Their number has now swelled to almost 90,000, by one estimate. Few are satisfied with their new home. Villagers complain that the government-built houses are crumbling and that their compensation was inadequate. But their primary objection is over the location. “Take a Nubian away from the Nile and he cannot live,” says Mr Omar.在20世纪60年代中期,在阿斯旺北部约50公里(30英里)、距尼罗河25公里的康温波(Kom Ombo),约有50000努比亚人重新安家。他们现在的人口估计已经增长到约90000人。很少有人对他们的新家感到满意。有一些村民抱怨政府盖的房子不抵事,而且政府给的补贴也不够。但是他们最不满意的是新家的位置。“努比亚人离开了尼罗河无法生存。”奥马尔先生说道。
A turning point appeared to come in 2014, when Egypt’s post-revolution constitution was rewritten with the help of Haggag Oddoul, a respected Nubian novelist. The document represents the first official recognition of the Nubian homeland and establishes the goal of developing the area, with local input, within ten years. It also outlaws discrimination. Most importantly, article 236 sets out a Nubian right of return.2014年似乎是这件事的转折点。这一年,埃及的后革命时期的宪法在一位德高望重的努比亚小说家Haggag Oddoul的协助下被重新改写。这部新宪法代表了埃及对于努比亚人原居住地的首次官方认同,它也确立了未来十年这个区域依靠当地投入的发展目标。同时,这部宪法将歧视非法化。最重要的是,宪法的第236条明确规定重新赋予努比亚人应有的权利。
Yet little has changed. “Since the constitution was ratified, the state has been stalling,” says Muhammad Azmy, head of the Public Nubian Union, a pressure group. A draft law on resettlement has “disappeared”, he says. Meanwhile, a decree issued by Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi, the president, and approved by parliament in January, designates many of the villages to which Nubians hope to return as off-limits and under military control.但是发生的改变却很少。压力集团公共努比亚联盟的首脑Muhammad Azmy说道:“自从新宪法生效以来,整个国家就一直搁置着这件事。”他还说,草案里有关重新安置我们居住地的条款“消失了”。同时,总统阿卜杜勒·法塔赫·塞西(Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi)颁布了一条法令,且于一月获得议会批准,将努比亚人民希望要回的村落指定为军事控制下的禁区。 Officials fear that Nubians might one day demand independence. There is little sign of that, but the government is breeding resentment. Many Nubians now suspect article 236 was simply a way to gain their support for the constitution. Even Mr Oddoul is sceptical. “Egypt’s corrupt institutions are working on preventing Nubians from returning so they can take over the Nubian land and use it [for] their benefit,” he says.政府害怕努比亚人某天独立出去。尽管并没有多少这样的迹象,但政府还是心存怨恨。许多努比亚人怀疑先发第236条就是为了获得他们对政府的支持而设立的。甚至奥都先生对此也持怀疑态度。他说:”埃及的腐败体制就是为了防止努比亚人回归,他们拿走努比亚人的土地来为自己换取利益。”
Some believe there is an official effort, beginning with the displacements, to wipe out Nubian culture. The state has long cultivated a single, Arab identity. (The census, for example, does not record ethnic data.) As Nubians were uprooted and spread out, many lost touch with their heritage. Few who were born in cities such as Cairo, Alexandria and Suez speak the Nubian language. “If we don’t return soon to our home, we will only be Nubians by colour,” says Mr Oddoul, referring to Nubians’ generally darker skin.一些人认为政府从搬迁政策的开始就打算消灭努比亚文化,政府正打算长期培养人们的阿拉伯身份。(例如户籍登记中不包括民族数据)努比亚人正因此被分裂,背井离乡的同时丧失他们的文化遗产。现今少数出生在开罗,亚历山德拉和苏伊士的人还可以说努比亚语。奥都先生指出:“如果再不返回家乡,除了皮肤颜色。我们很难再成为真正的努比亚人。”(他指的是努比亚人惯有的黑色皮肤)
With the help of the internet, and through art and music, younger Nubians have tried to reinvigorate their culture. They have also organised protests and lawsuits against Mr Sisi’s decree. This has led to tension between Nubians. “The older generation is more accommodating of the state,” says Mr Azmy. They are also more patriotic: many supported the dam because they thought it would benefit Egypt. Yet they have little to show for their patriotism. The least the government could do is let Nubians go home.在互联网的帮助下,年轻的努比亚人试图通过艺术和音乐重振他们的文化。他们有组织的抗议和起诉西席的法令。这导致努比亚人之间的紧张关系。阿斯麦先生说“老一辈更适应国家现状“。他们也更爱国:许多支持大坝,因为他们认为这将有利于埃及。迄今为止他们没有机会来显示自己的爱国情怀,而政府至少可以做的事让努比亚人回家。